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Thread: How Much of Business to Give Up???

  1. #1

    Default How Much of Business to Give Up???

    I need some advice on starting a business and what percentage of the business to give to a partner.

    TO set the scene.... I have an app concept that I want to be developed - a friend of mine is going to do all of the front end design work (logo/branding/UX flow charts)... basically all of the graphic design work. He is happy to do this work for free in exchange for a percentage of the business. He is an old friend who i trust and would be very comfortable entering a contract with.

    He has many contacts in app development so we will be hiring a developer/programmer to do all of the back end app development and hosting (who we may end up offering a stake in the company to get them onside).

    SO in essence I am really keen to work with him on my idea and his skills, experience and contacts will prove invaluable however with the app being my concept and me being the driving force behind the business including sourcing funding for development I don't want to sell myself short.

    Not sure where to start to be honest......Any advice on this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for reading.

  2. #2
    Registered User
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    What will you bring to the table besides the idea? Will you be doing marketing, sales, bookkeeping? Who will be doing the ongoing maintenance of the app (updates and bugfixes)? Put it all down into tangible work efforts and then you can more easily value each person's contribution.

  3. #3
    Web Consultant
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    Who's putting up all the money? Or what percentage?

  4. #4


    I will be business director/admin/sales/marketing/accounts. He will be design/development manager. We would employ a third party to code/maintain the app.

  5. #5
    Registered User
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    I'll repeat Harold's question: who's fronting the money?
    Brad Miedema
    Fulcrum Saw & Tool


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