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Thread: Critique a new site describing a typical corporation

  1. #1

    Default Critique a new site describing a typical corporation

    I would like some advice and constructive criticism on a site that was developed. This site will describe a typical corporation and all its communications between all department in a corporation. Please search for Virtual Business Analyst .net. This is not an advertisement but a legitimate request looking for suggestions on how to improve what I feel will benefit the corporate world.

  2. #2
    Web Consultant
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    I'm afraid the news is not good.

    This website is actually pretty bad.
    It's dated.
    Nothing in the header makes any sense. The logo. There's another web address up there...what is that?
    The copy does nothing to explain what it is that you do.
    You have ads on a business website. Very amateurish.

    I'm actually not sure what the purpose of the site is. Are you are a service for hire, or just an information website?

    It's pretty bad Stan. Sorry.

  3. #3
    Registered Member
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    May 2012


    While improvements are needed and obviously planned, you should know that it is far better than my first website. I am assuming this is a very new experience for you and if it is, then you should not expect too much in the beginning. Simply learn as much as you can about creating a website efficiently and effectively by what ever methods that make sense for you. Trial and error is a great learning experience and don't forget that their are numerous websites and books with loads of great information on creating websites. My suggestion to you is to avoid programs like SiteBuilder and try to learn the basics of HTML5 and CSS3. It is not as difficult as it may seem. You should do this before you focus on the project (nice domain name btw). You need to become a competent web designer before you can launch a serious project on the internet. Once you accomplish that you will never have to pay for that service again and that will save you a truck load of money over your lifetime.
    Is this your first attempt at building a website?

  4. #4
    Registered User
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    Aside from the website being 13 years outdated, I can't really say I understand what it's for? Is this for a very Specific demographic and that is why I don't "get" it?

    There is also so so so so many grammatical errors that it just looks like it was written once and never ever looked over!
    Graphic & Web Design [ View Portfolio ]
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  5. #5


    I have to agree with others and would also like to add the following:

    - It lacks any kind of interactivity
    - There is no rotating slider
    - No call to action ("Click here to sign up for our newsletter")
    - The navigational bar on the left is entirely too long and should be grouped into drop down menus
    - Text isn't aligned
    - The ads on the right aren't aligned
    - You provide no information about how someone can get in contact with you

    And that's just on the home page!
    Super hero web-designer who can: Build websites; Fix website bugs; Update content; Test website for broken links; Update social media accounts; Provide product testimonials; and more! All for $5 at View my portfolio here:


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