Frederick, I have to agree with Harold on this topic. When I started my bookkeeping business late last year I wanted a website and decided to do it myself. I really didn't think it would be that hard since there are so many different site builders that claim they are easy to use. I signed up for I don't know how many free ones and started on them, but after trying to work in them, they weren't as easy as advertised, or I wasn't happy with what free offered. I finally did find one that I liked and started work on it. I worked day and night on it. When it was done, I thought it looked good and asked for a review from members on this forum. I received lots of advice of what to do to make it better, and suggestions on what was wrong with it. I also found out it was not a good site for SEO. It had no blog capability, my blog could not be linked to it. The content was not that great. But, all in all, I thought I had done a pretty good job on my website for my first time. Associates in my industry who looked at it commented on how great it was.

But, I was not getting the results I wanted. Maybe I am being impatient and expecting too much too soon, but the more I looked at my website, the less I liked it. I couldn't quite figure out what I didn't like, but I just didn't like it. It just didn't grab my attention. If it didn't grab my attention it wasn't going to grab a visitors attention. My google analytics showed that noone went past the first page. Something had to be done.

So I decided I needed to have my website professionally done. I am a bookkeeper, not a webdesigner. I will stick to doing what I know how to do and let the professionals do what they know how to do. My website has been completely redone, including the copy and I couldn't be happier. BTW, have you seen it? It is 100% better than my old site?

I hope all this makes sense. Good luck with your decision.