This thread has been very helpful to me - Thanks, everyone.

Here's another difference between FB fanpages and groups - and a problem that I hope someone can solve--

When I comment on my group's page, the comment only appears on the group page but not anywhere else that I can see. It is not on my news feed (under the Home tab) and the only reference on my wall (under my Profile tab) is that I have commented but not the comment itself. The only way I can get my group page comment to be visible to my friends on my news feed is to post it again on my wall, then it appears on my news feed.

When I comment on my fanpage, the comment also appears on my news feed. I presume it appears on my friends' home pages, too. It does not appear on my wall.

Now - here's the problem --

I am trying to get more discussion and comment on my group page. If the only way to get my comment onto the news feed is to post it again, when my friends comment, their comments appear on MY wall and not on the group page.

I want friend's comments to appear on the group page and not on my wall.

Anyone have any idea how to do that?