Recent Blogs Posts

  1. Scripts…Seriously?

    There are a lot of sales trainers out there who will tell you that sales scripts aren’t just useless – they’re a quick way to alienate a prospect or customer. However, before heading for the circular file, let’s take a look at why traditional sales scripts don’t (or rarely) work as well as a newer (and really effective) ways to use scripts.

    Sam the Sales Guy

    Here’s a (true) story. A couple decided to visit a local Recreational Vehicle dealer. They were well ...
    small business
  2. Stop Wigging Out

    Too Many Small Business Goals?
    You’re completely dedicated to making the vision you have for your small business a reality yet somehow find yourself unable to execute important goals.

    Perhaps the biggest mistake small business owners make when putting their plans into action is to attempt to achieve too many goals at once. But don’t feel bad, as authors Chris McChesney, Sean Covey (yes, son of Stephen Covey), and Jim Juling in their book The 4 Disciplines of Execution point ...
    small business
  3. Website Woes? Wordpress Can be the Answer for Small Business Owners

    When it comes to websites, small business owners it’s common for small business owners to belong to one of three camps:

    You’ve got a small business website – maybe even paid a huge chunk of change to have it designed – but now you don’t have a clue, or are struggling with making any changes to or updating content and/or images.

    You don’t have a small business website, but you do have an online presence. For instance, you post to Facebook and Twitter hoping that will “make ...
    small business
  4. Mastering Voicemail and Returning Calls

    Joe just nailed a meeting with a prospect and just knows he’s “this close” to closing the deal. He’s already brainstorming on all the deliverables he’ll need to move on as he’s walking down the hall to the parking lot. He’s not sure where he’s going to find the time to do all he needs to get done, he’s just sure he needs to find that time. And then he hears something chirp and realizes it’s his cell phone. He’s received 17 voice mails while sitting in that conference room for 2 hours hammering ...