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09-26-2013, 12:35 PM
I came across an SEO company today that says they offer "Spider Engagement Management". I've never heard of this term before and a quick google search didn't find any definitions. Is this just a made up term by the company or is this a real thing?

09-26-2013, 02:58 PM
I have to say I needed to Google that to check, too, regardless I am in SEO for years. And I found that full term just on one website (2 actually but both about same firm) so it's probably that company you are talking about. Regarding that term I can asume it's about sorting out what spiders can see and what not, what Google shall index and what not, and similar stuff. So mostly robots.txt but also few other techniques that can help in that. Term by itself is probably made up but that doesn't mean anything bad in my point of view. Actually I find that interesting, naming something that shall be done for client's site SEO and in same time maybe other people will start use the term, and Google will know they were using it first, so good for their SEO. :)
Althought, maybe that's just you and me just didn't heard it so far, and Google for some reason shows only them for Spider engagement management, but it is no new. :)

09-27-2013, 12:04 PM
I think it's just a new way to say that they'll do the same old SEO stuff everyone else does. Points for style, I suppose, but I'm not sure if inventing a new term is the way to go with this type of thing. SEO can be confusing enough as it is without throwing new terminology into the mix.

09-27-2013, 07:37 PM
I completely agree with KristineS. I am someone who is trying to understand all the SEO stuff so I can make an informed decision regarding the SEO company that I am going to work with. If they start throwing their own specific jargon in - it confuses the issues and makes me questions things....which is never where you want a prospect.

09-30-2013, 02:10 PM
I have to say I needed to Google that to check, too, regardless I am in SEO for years. And I found that full term just on one website (2 actually but both about same firm) so it's probably that company you are talking about. Regarding that term I can asume it's about sorting out what spiders can see and what not, what Google shall index and what not, and similar stuff. So mostly robots.txt but also few other techniques that can help in that. Term by itself is probably made up but that doesn't mean anything bad in my point of view.

Yeah, that's what it sounds like, but isn't that usually done when you're doing "SEO"? To me it just sounds like that company is just trying to make up some SEO buzzwords to make their services sound more important then they are.