View Full Version : Opening International Banking Account

07-22-2013, 11:37 AM
I'm just starting out, setting up my infrastructure. I'll be needing to do international banking and I was wondering if the forum had any suggestions about sources where I can gather information as opposed to going to each bank individually. If you have personal suggestions or experiences you like to share, or a bank you'd like to promote also feel free to comment.

I'd like to get my application for banking in soon so I appreciate both quality and speed. I want to know about interest rates, exotic currencies/conversion rates, traveling with your small business bank account, etc. Thank you for any help in advance

07-22-2013, 11:34 PM
I can't say I have any experience with international banking. I did want to reply though to keep your thread active.

I'm just guessing, but I would think it would be easiest for you to have a bank in one of the countries at the endpoint of your import/export business. I'm guessing the larger the bank the more likely you'll get better international service too. I did a quick search for international banking and I see plenty of the big name banks here in the US listed at the top of the results.

You'll probably need to talk to some of the banks to really find out what you want to know, though I'd think if you know what you're looking for you can narrow it down to just a couple or three searching online. Clicking on a few of the results from the search above led to information on the banks sites. I would start there and do some research. After a few days you'll probably have it narrowed down to a few banks with some specific questions you'd like to ask each.