View Full Version : How to Write Sticky Blog Posts

01-13-2009, 08:15 PM
Anyone who blogs knows how difficult it can sometimes to keep people reading. No one wants to spend time crafting a post only to have people find the page and soon leave soon after arriving. So how do you keep people on your page and reading your content?

This post at ProBlogger (http://www.problogger.net/archives/2009/01/14/7-tips-on-how-to-write-sticky-memorable-blog-posts/) attempts to answer the stickiness question and I think it makes some good points.

1. Signal that your post is relevant to your visitor
2. Signal that it’ll be easy to read
3. Signal that it’s got personality
4. Signal that there’s more to come
5. Signal where the meat of the post is
6. Signal your professionalism
7. Signal when the reader can stop reading

I'd encourage you to read the post since it contains the details for each of the above. The post also uses itself and how it's written as an example for each of the above points.

One thing I'll add that I've seen help is to design your posts (http://www.vanseodesign.com/blog/web-design/post-formatting-and-design/) so they're visually appealing. (The previous link is a post I wrote on the subject)

Are you doing anything to make your posts stickier? What's worked and what hasn't?