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01-09-2013, 12:09 AM
Hi Team,

I want to write a book on copywriting, but also using social psychology aspects, for example social proof and the way testimonials increase sales. NLP teachings like meta-programs and the way you can use pain and pleasure, convince vs. cost in your text the increase sales.
Subtle selling techniques you can use in your copy that doesn't come across as selling but increases conversion ten-fold.

I want to have an aspect like social proof, the history of it, what it means, how it influences people, and then an example of copy with it in it describing what it looks like so its very easy to translate it into your work.

I only ask here as I cant seem to find much that fits this description the only thing was an old out of production book called "Mind control Marketing" but it doesn't have examples of copy so it feels very abstract

Would this be something copywriters would be interested in, would you pay $25 for it?

Thank you for your time.

01-09-2013, 11:45 AM
I think marketers are always interested in this type of thing. The only thing you would need is the credentials to back up what you're saying. Have you tested the techniques you're going to mention, or done studies? What's the basis for why you feel qualified to write on this particular topic? I think, for me, that would be the important question. While I'm always interested in hearing about new techniques, my feeling about the helpfulness and accuracy of the information will be greatly impacted by who is imparting the information and what their qualifications are for doing so.

01-09-2013, 06:57 PM
My opinion....

Yes you could sell it for $25 if you properly position your product for its audience, if you successfully get it in front of your audience and you use excellent sales techniques/tactics.

Now that might be challenging as there are already really good books about the psychology of selling. I would think you would want to find a way to make yours different from the ones already out there.

Maybe you could stand on the shoulder of those giants before you such as taking the principles taught by Robert Cialdini and doing some case studies on them. I would buy a book that broke down and analyzed how different websites (especially well known websites like Amazon.com or others) were successfully implementing the principles outlined in Robert Cialdini's book on "Psychology of Persuasion"

01-13-2013, 09:00 PM
I think despite the content of the book, I would be more apt to purchase it based on the credentials of the author. $25 is a bit high (I feel) for a book especially when it is so easy to pick something up on the Kindle or just read various articles for free. What would differentiate this book besides its unique content? Does the author have fantastic experience that I would tempt me to purchase the book?

The other option would be to offer a chapter or two for free to convince potential customers of the books credibility. If they liked it they could then purchase the full book, but would at least be reassured of the product that they are purchasing.

01-13-2013, 11:50 PM
As a non-book reader, I do find myself picking up various marketing books based on people I know and have heard of. Most books like this are often $18 - $20 (canadian)

Harold Mansfield
01-14-2013, 10:24 AM
I'm not sure I would pay $25 for it, but if that's the price point you think is fair, go for it.

I actually think that anyone can sell anything they want without a history of credibility. It happens all of the time. I understand what others are saying about how credibility of the author influences the buying decision, but that doesn't mean you need to have a history.

We buy new stuff all of the time because of the perceived credibility of how it is presented. The packaging. The name. The URL (we trust shorter URL's over longer ones). The promotional movie clips. What it is associated with. Who it is associated with. A back story. A review. OR just the fact that it is on TV or other "credible" media.

Plenty of people that we've never heard of have made plenty of money on products that we've never seen before.

As far as I'm concerned, when it comes to credibility in the market place, everybody get's a shot if they present it correctly. Whether or not it continues is up to the quality of your first product.

01-16-2013, 03:40 PM
Usually, i don't buy a book on copywriting worth $25. Because it is little expensive comparing to the thousands of free books, which are available through Internet.

06-12-2013, 11:03 AM
One of the secrets of a successful copywriter is having the power of persuasion. This is very sited to all forms of communication. You have to discover the key desires of your market, what people need and want to know. In that way you can easily persuade them and create a loyal following of fans. If you do that, then you are in a position to sell them something. You can write more books and increase conversion ten fold.

09-19-2013, 03:42 AM
Hi Team,

I want to write a book on copywriting, but also using social psychology aspects, for example social proof and the way testimonials increase sales. NLP teachings like meta-programs and the way you can use pain and pleasure, convince vs. cost in your text the increase sales.
Subtle selling techniques you can use in your copy that doesn't come across as selling but increases conversion ten-fold.

I want to have an aspect like social proof, the history of it, what it means, how it influences people, and then an example of copy with it in it describing what it looks like so its very easy to translate it into your work.

I only ask here as I cant seem to find much that fits this description the only thing was an old out of production book called "Mind control Marketing" but it doesn't have examples of copy so it feels very abstract

Would this be something copywriters would be interested in, would you pay $25 for it?

Thank you for your time.

$25? It will depend on the quality of the info you will present. Now your plan is great and if you manage to cover all these aspects, so why not? )

10-02-2013, 04:41 PM
I rarely pay that much for a book, mainly because a lot of the books out there are collections of things which are found on the Internet. Now, I agree with some of the other posters here, though - if you can really get something meaty into the mix like tons and tons of research, it would be well worth it because you're starting to talk about textbooks (and, if you remember your school days, you can spend a LOT for those. )

10-02-2013, 04:56 PM
Build an Socially Validated Evolving Database Book
Perhaps start out with a smaller book... Like a field manual that you can sell for $4.95 and if you get some uptake on it and a growing audience you can re-enter the marketplace with "Field Guide V2" with enhanced information. Perhaps think of the books more like a database that grows over time. Set up a website that mirrors and stores all that information so you can build a community around that data, as well as other web services and API's to your data (not a bad monetization opportunity too).

i.e. if you build a scanning tool to scan webpages you can mix it with an Algorithm to determine the efficacy of that webpage. Break the mold of "printed static books" and think about building a compendium of sourced intellectual knowledge that evolves as your systems and capabilities to analyze evolve. It's like the book of tweets... Dynamically generated on the fly. As your knowledge base increases then the value can increase if it becomes the standard. And the standards are refined through social validation from your audience, you thereby receive the very credibility you talk of and then perhaps you can persuade others to pay you $24.95 using an Authority play.

11-07-2013, 11:11 AM
For me (personally) I already have an advanced degree in psychology - so there's probably very little that I'd learn from your book.

That being said, I definitely think that the use of social psychology in persuasion is something that is very highly under explored - for example Apple's success and great brand image is tied very closely to social concepts.

I could see it selling - but it would depend completely on who exactly you are targeting as your market (just copywriters) and how you intend to effectively market/promote your book.



09-04-2014, 08:22 PM
Build an Socially Validated Evolving Database Book
Perhaps start out with a smaller book... Like a field manual that you can sell for $4.95 and if you get some uptake on it and a growing audience you can re-enter the marketplace with "Field Guide V2" with enhanced information. Perhaps think of the books more like a database that grows over time. Set up a website that mirrors and stores all that information so you can build a community around that data, as well as other web services and API's to your data (not a bad monetization opportunity too).

i.e. if you build a scanning tool to scan webpages you can mix it with an Algorithm to determine the efficacy of that webpage. Break the mold of "printed static books" and think about building a compendium of sourced intellectual knowledge that evolves as your systems and capabilities to analyze evolve. It's like the book of tweets... Dynamically generated on the fly. As your knowledge base increases then the value can increase if it becomes the standard. And the standards are refined through social validation from your audience, you thereby receive the very credibility you talk of and then perhaps you can persuade others to pay you $24.95 using an Authority play.

I found this thread in a search including "rcalie" and realized I didn't give this enough thought when you originally posted.

This is an excellent idea for a low cost, multi version book that is really a lead gen for a membership site. If you're going to have the content on a site it would need to be protected, lest nobody would pay. If you're going to protect the content with membership software, why not maximize the benefit from that for you and the customer? The membership would be a mastermind of sorts and a fertile ground to develop content for the next version.

You could go with some software like heatmapping, but would probably do better with split testing. Actual case studies from member/software owners is genuine content worth plunking down the entry fee (book price) for most. Becoming part of the community is the natural next step. Getting these same results in your business (buying and using) is an easy upsell. Plus the member's area would be like a user support forum.

This model is how I've seen a few Internet marketers operating so the model is sound.

09-04-2014, 09:06 PM
NLP is a powerful marketing technique, for sure. But, when it comes to true word of mouth marketing as you describe here, it's really all about the quality of your product or service. Nothing will foster evangelism like a great product or service, coupled with outstanding customer service.

09-05-2014, 08:40 AM
That's true. It would have to be a good product (proven not beta) as you would have an open forum discussing it and its usefulness/usability and most importantly their results.

The book itself would not necessarily be relegated to word of mouth. It could be marketed through any channel including amazon and even brick & mortar stores.

Adding a link to the membership site upgrade is as easy to do in print as it is on Facebook. It just takes a little more persuasion to get the additional commitment of typing the address vs. just clicking a link. But the trade off is you have their complete and undivided attention in the book. That's something you just can't get on Facebook.

09-08-2014, 04:34 AM
I think it's a great idea and well worth doing. There are thousands of books on all sorts of subjects, that sell very well, simply because they have all the information one one place. You must be very confident in your skills, as copywriters can be a little 'critical' of others skills, so you have my full support. For what it's worth, I have spent the last 25 years in direct sales, and I know that the more time you spend proving the results, as oppose to explaining WHY they work, will be a far easier read, to more people. NLP, is great, the principles are sound, but you cannot beat FAB's, which work if verbal or written. Good luck with the book. I will buy one when its done!

09-09-2014, 11:10 PM
I paid $47 for an ebook once because the advertisement made me suddenly realize how great their idea was. It was a book about making six figures ghostwriting, and the trick was to contact an upcoming, new celebrity or a semi-celebrity and persuade them to invest in a co-author or ghostwriter for a book. Marketing to people who are making money, people of whose work I am a fan, and showing them how they can get a whole book written for a great price. I bought that book because I strongly believed in your idea.

I also strongly believe in your idea. I hired DoctorMyDocument last year specifically to get my copy revised and improved based on the principles of NLP and persuasion. If you can write an ad that quickly shows people the value of applying the principles of hypnosis to their copy, they will realize that $25 is a small price to pay. This is especially true if your book targets a specific niche -- maybe a hot-selling type of business, such as women's apparel -- so it seems perfect for them because it's all about applying NLP to their particular market or industry.

I think the efficiency provided by the Internet makes it necessary to use very precise target marketing. If some people can feel that your book is exactly right for their needs, you can have all the stature of Grinder and Bandler (the creators of NLP) because so much has been written about Ericksonian hypnosis and NLP, and you appeal even more to your target market -- people who want to apply NLP to improve their copy about women's apparel, for example.

You could even produce different versions of the book to appeal to people involved with different 'hot' products, such as computer software, NLP for advertising video games, NLP for advertising computer hardware, etc.

You don't need to persuade people of the effectiveness of NLP. The people who will buy your book are the ones who already know about it. So focus on showing that for their $25 they'll get value that improves their whole business. : )

11-14-2014, 05:59 PM
That's essentially what many already-successful books on marketing and copywriting contain. It would seem there is indeed a market for it.