View Full Version : Is an odd jobs business aimed at businesses limiting myself?

11-23-2012, 10:55 AM
I haven't actually started doing this yet. For the time being it's just an idea. Basically I'd be like my own temp service. Offering to do short-term or one-time odd jobs for businesses that don't want to (or can't) pay a lot to hire extra help. The reason I decided not to go door-to-door or to offer my services to residents is because I'm cautious about working around people's homes. First of all I don't want to be hired and then once they see me they tell me to go away or they hover around me as if I'm going to try to steal from them or accidentally damage their property.

I know this may seem illogical but it's the way I feel. I think businesses are a better way to go because there's a less likely chance that I'll have to work around any money or delicate equipment. There's also a less likely chance that I'll make anyone feel uncomfortable or hear anything personal while people are conversing. Of course I'd still be surveilled but it would feel more like the person wants to see the job being done than the person making sure I'm not a malefactor up to no good. So, would this approach be limiting myself too much or does it have a chance at working?

11-23-2012, 11:23 AM
You would need to be able to offer the businesses either a much cheaper rate or more services than companies like Manpower. When a company brings in temp help, it's not just the work that needs to be handled. There is insurance, screening, taxes, and availability. So be sure to be able to answer those questions.

11-24-2012, 02:59 PM
what are you able to do?

a 1 man temp service seems odd, but a bit creative

are you so skilled in every aspect of every business that you are the ultimate temp guy?

the big negative for you is no health insurance or retirement

its more of an idea for someone hard up to find a job(any job) that he makes up a business all for himself

the reson you go into business is to become rich....sounds like you just need 'a job'

am i wrong?

11-26-2012, 10:14 PM
the reson you go into business is to become rich....sounds like you just need 'a job'

am i wrong?

I have a job but I'd much rather be my own boss but still do something that keeps me active.

11-26-2012, 10:50 PM
its more of an idea for someone hard up to find a job(any job) that he makes up a business all for himself

the reson you go into business is to become rich....sounds like you just need 'a job'

am i wrong?

Huggy, that may be why you went into business, but its not the goal of everyone on this forum. There are many people on this forum who have businesses that make a comfortable living but will never make them rich without an extreme change in their business model.

11-27-2012, 12:52 PM
Why limit yourself to working on their premises? I guess it all depends on what services you can offer a company whether this idea would work or not- if you can offer a valuable service, you should have no problem getting clients-- but I would think you will need to go out personally to talk to business owners to get clients.

11-27-2012, 02:07 PM
Extremely limiting. Once you add the cost of your labor and cover the costs of any permits, licenses, insurance and taxes then your likely going to price yourself out of the market compared to other temporary agencies.

I don't see property owners/property management companies having a need for "odd jobs" that they don't already have a maintenance crew or other contractors that can fill that need.