View Full Version : Content for Logo Design Blog

08-02-2012, 03:39 PM
I'm having trouble thinking content that would bring someone in as a lead for a logo design. The only content that I can think of is tutorials on how to create your own logo, but that kind of defeats the purpose. Does anyone have any ideas?

08-02-2012, 06:50 PM
It might seem like it defeats the purpose at first glance, but it really doesn't

There will always be some people who'll read your tutorials and just take your advice and do the work themselves. In all likelihood those people were never going to hire you. They want to do the work themselves. The people more likely to hire you will come away reading your posts and realize how much work goes into creating a good logo. Your content will show them you know what you're doing and can back up any claims you make in sales copy.

Just because you try to teach someone how to do something, doesn't mean they're going to go out and do it themselves. Many will decide it makes more financial sense to hire you to do it. I know it seems counterintuitive, but it really doesn't defeat the purpose.

What will also happen is your content (assuming it's good) will get shared, generate links, pull search traffic, and generally lead more people into your site. Not all of those people are going to become clients of course, but more will than had you not created the content.

Check out my blog (Notebook) in my signature below. Basically you and I are in a similar business and you could probably get some ideas from how I've done things. I can tell you my blog is the best marketing I've done and clients have come to me after first discovering it.

08-07-2012, 09:57 AM
Think about it,

- latest logo trends,
- logo reviews,
- top 10 logotypes with number in them - mine for example :>
- top 10 futuristic logotypes,
- general informations on branding and building up a brand trough logotype
- a story how different fameous logotypes where created, Nike, Coca-Cola, and so on.
- informations about how much logotype should cost

and so on and so :) its your niche you should know your own topic best

08-07-2012, 11:27 AM
All good topics to be covered.

Just a thought, but are you subscribed to any blogs by other logo designers or designers in general? You should be able to get a lot of ideas looking through similar blogs that are similar to yours.

08-07-2012, 11:36 AM
Also, don't forget that you can also talk about how your company was formed, your philosophy of logo design, how you learned to design, all sorts of things that will let readers and potential customers understand who you are and how you obtained your expertise. A business blog doesn't have to be full of corporate doublespeak, it can be a place where potential customers get to know you.

08-15-2012, 03:38 AM
Thanks for the advice everyone. The more content building I do over the many sites the less I like that's for sure lol.

I really hope I have figured out how to receive responses now. Vangogh if you can take a look to make sure I would appreciate it. It may be because I posted this prior to changing that setting.

08-16-2012, 11:44 AM
I don't think that's something I can check for you. I don't see your settings. I can tell you where the setting is though so you can check. If you click on Settings in the upper right on any page you'll be taken to your control panel. Once there look down the left for the General Settings link (It's under the MySettings > My Account section). If you scroll down the General Settings page, under the section Messaging & Notification, you'll see a drop down for Default Thread Subscription Mode. That's where you can set whether or not you're subscribed to threads simply by replying to them. Which option you select is up to you. The more you post, the less likely you'll want instant email notification.

Also at the top of every thread there's a drop down for thread tools, one of which gives you the option to subscribe to the thread. Any thread you subscribe to (through Settings or the Thread Tools) should show up in your control panel whenever there's a new post.

08-26-2012, 05:04 PM
You could talk about how to present your initial idea to a company for development and what works and what doesn't in terms of letting a logo company know what you want... ie sketched versus descriptions. You could also talk about what output types work for what occasion, (ie vectors for signage ect.) Dont think of it in terms of just building content to hook peeps... make it work for you, maybe use the content to eliminate frstrating things customers do unknowingly when trying to ask for your services, by explaining how as the business owner you would prefer they approach. Use it as an opportunity to address things that you may not be able to address on your professional company site. I have found that if you write your hook content about things that benefit you, it will be a much better ready as you will be "into" what you are writing. Trying to bable on about a filler subject will always bite you in the end... and... (note to SEO's) search engines are getting good at detecting it.

08-27-2012, 03:14 PM
I'm having trouble thinking content that would bring someone in as a lead for a logo design. The only content that I can think of is tutorials on how to create your own logo, but that kind of defeats the purpose. Does anyone have any ideas?

I think, you should create some examples first... Once they came out as visauls it will be easy to find what you are looking for and what will be the best logo. Also, you should do a lot of research though. There are a lot of companies out there and they have been going through the same steps.