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View Full Version : facebook or web???

12-25-2011, 05:28 PM
i have a feeling this question might be coming up more and more as pinterest grows...... my kind of customer is on pinterest....they are socially on the internet they are on facebook.... im getting lots of linking from my pinterest boards to my website..... my question is.... should i be sending them to my facebook instead of my webpage? i could see some plusses to that idea.... they could LIKE me right then and be well connected to me in an easy, fast, very familiar way...or should i just keep it going to my website and hope they bookmark me or rss or something..... they know what to do witha nice facebook page....and it is easier than the website.....
...i have 170 pinterest followers .....and ive found hardly any online business talk about it past the very very basic stuff.... the stuff that starts out defining what pinterest is..... this is going to be so interesting imho...

12-31-2011, 09:02 AM
Hi greenoak. When I post stuff to my facebook fanpage, the posts, travel to twitter then to my facebook friend page. I have my tweets on my website as well. I looked at Pinterest to get an idea of what you do. I would hook them both to facebook, website, and twitter. Have you created a linkedin account? Its for business profiles.

12-31-2011, 09:09 AM
welcome to the forum....we have done the linking to the website and blog.. ...and now trying to get the pinterest button on the store facebook...problems there, since my pinterest is linked to my personal facebook not my store facebook.... but we are working on it...pinterest and faceboook are kindof mysterious...you cant pin a picture from facebook...??? i dont know why...
im on linked in but not using it....
for a while we had our actual facebook posts on our website .....but took it off, thinking it looked kind of messy........you like it l on , maybe i should rethink it...

12-31-2011, 09:16 AM
I built my own website through godaddy. It may look messy to people who visit. I have thought about that. But they still comb through my site for more than 7 min. I would not do facebook to my website for this reason...I keep my friends confidential. no one can see my friends unless they are friends. Twitter only shows yourself.

12-31-2011, 09:22 AM
i meant my store facebook...its popular with 2000 fans...right, i wouldnt put my personal facebook on the store...
i hear you on your website...ours is homemade too and working fine...

12-31-2011, 09:27 AM
I am not the greatest website builder but it saves me $50 per month. Store Facebook? Enlighten me.

12-31-2011, 03:29 PM
on facebook we have a nice active store page .its under green oak antiques......then i also have a personal page under my name...
i market a lot thru facebook now, for our store........

12-31-2011, 04:48 PM
Very nice site. I commented on one of your pics. I just dont want the updates and to be anonymous. But very nice indeed. How did you set up the extra pages like "rehabbed"?

12-31-2011, 08:52 PM
the updates are all by the admins....that would be me or my daughter in law... hopefully the fans know that...
your site is a friend page...mine is a business page ....they can join without the friend process..easier and i cant see their pages.... also business on friend page is against the rules altho they dont enforce...yet...
never knew a HIGH RISE DUSTER BEFORE!!! wow...
REHABB IS A TAB... you might not have tabs available on a personal page.... maybe its just available on business pages....not exactly sure about how we added the rehabb...mainly i get the ideas and give it to my web person, and she does it...... ill ask her...
our facebook works great....but we are about fun/decorating and shopping.... and its mostly women fans....

12-31-2011, 09:54 PM
I have 2 friend pages. My personal fb: Benjamin Hanks | Facebook (http://facebook.com/mr.squiigii) My business fb friend page: Squiigii Yewinder | Facebook (http://facebook.com/squiigii.yewinder) (TM). And my fan page Welcome to Facebook - Log In, Sign Up or Learn More (http://facebook.com/Squiigii) (SM). My website is High Rise Restoration & Cleaning (http://squiigii.com)

12-31-2011, 10:36 PM
i saw your web....and also your busness page,i just saw your friend page before......
your business looks so interesting.... ..

01-03-2012, 09:46 AM
Ann, You do a good job on your web site by having the FB and Pinterest links on your home page so I don't think it matters all that much. My only suggestion is to maybe put those links/logos on all your web site pages and not just your home page.

Keep up the great work.


01-03-2012, 11:00 AM
To Aaron: Why do all of the logos and links need to be on all the web pages instead of the home page only?

01-03-2012, 11:42 AM
To Aaron: Why do all of the logos and links need to be on all the web pages instead of the home page only?

If a potential customer lands on a page other than the home page, they may never actually click the Home link so they would never see the social media links. You want to make it as easy as possible for your customers in everything you do.


01-06-2012, 08:33 AM
thanks aaron....duh.... we will be doing that next week......

02-01-2012, 05:15 PM
I'm finding it much easier to manage personal facebook and business facebook fan pages since facebook made a better separation of these different accounts.

I think you need to get people to your website if you want to sell them something, but facebook if you want them to stay interested in you longer term.

02-02-2012, 09:21 AM
facebook so neat for local tho, above the website in some ways and it definitely leads to sales...its so current.... i can tell them this morning what came in yesterday, or anything i might think was good.... .....i have had customers talk to each other on our fb and plan trips to us.....and when others see glowing reviews on the fb page its just great, and so sincere, which cant really happen as naturally on your website.... .

06-04-2012, 06:51 AM
I find the comments here are useful. Will try the ideas myself.

06-27-2012, 05:00 AM
i have a feeling this question might be coming up more and more as pinterest grows...... my kind of customer is on pinterest....they are socially on the internet they are on facebook.... im getting lots of linking from my pinterest boards to my website..... my question is.... should i be sending them to my facebook instead of my webpage? i could see some plusses to that idea.... they could LIKE me right then and be well connected to me in an easy, fast, very familiar way...or should i just keep it going to my website and hope they bookmark me or rss or something..... they know what to do witha nice facebook page....and it is easier than the website.....
...i have 170 pinterest followers .....and ive found hardly any online business talk about it past the very very basic stuff.... the stuff that starts out defining what pinterest is..... this is going to be so interesting imho...

from my limited knowledge, there are some advantages to having a website that facebook cannot really replace..for example with regards to SEO and page ranking, I think its still good to have a website to reach a wider audience that is not on pininterest or facebook. but that's just my opinion.