View Full Version : Pricing????

11-27-2011, 01:02 PM
My question is:

How are keyword SE's priced?????

Is there a charge from Google, Yahoo, DogPile, Bing, etc., in addition to any promotion service one hires or no????

11-27-2011, 01:14 PM
Keywords are not priced regarding to site placement on the search engine page. Nor are there any charges from the search engines unless one purchases pay-per-click advertising. If you choose to purchase PPC advertising you bid on placing your ad on search pages that are displaying specific keyword results. This is done via an auction. Prices can range from .1 to more than $10 a click.

12-13-2011, 07:50 PM
Very important to note: keyword prices on adwords definitely determines the value of top organic results on google.

Most people look at the total search results and they think that's the amount of traffic they're going to get. Here's the breakdown:
first result on google get 42% of traffic
second result on google get 12% of traffic
third result on google get 8% of traffic
fourth result on google get 6%
fifth result on google get 5%
sixth result on google get 4%
seventh result on google get 3%
remaining clicks are shared by all other sites.

So if a search term is searched 10,000 times a day, if you're first result you only get 42% of the traffic and so forth. YOU DO NOT GET a full 10,000 visitors.

For example: if a keyword "personal injury attorney" costs advertisers $5.00 a click and the term is searched 10,000 times a day.

The SEO value for "personal injury attorney" keyword is $5 x 4200 = $21,000

Notice I only multiply the keyword cost by 4200 NOT the actual 10000.

So in this case, if you rank number one on keyword "personal injury attorney" you can safely charge any number around $21,000 because that's the value of your seo.

I hope that makes sense

02-08-2012, 01:29 PM
Keyword competition usually determines the price you'll pay in a PPC campaign. Unless you're referring to paid backlinks? In that case you pay per link and the price is usually determined by things like PageRank and traffic volume.