View Full Version : I bought a smart phone today.

01-08-2011, 08:24 PM
Now, I guess we will see if I am smart enough to use it. I will still keep my pay as you go plan so my monthly expense won't be bad. I have wanted one for a long time. I have the funds right now to buy it and I will be doing some extensive marketing in the next several months to hopefully build a client base.

The thing is, I don't want my clients to know I work from home, but I work from home so I can care for my parents. But part of that care includes taking them to their Dr. Appts. and if I am away from home I can still access my emails while away. I can't do that with my current phone. So that is my justification for spending the money on the phone. Hopefully it will pay off with new clients.

Harold Mansfield
01-08-2011, 09:08 PM
Jamesray, a lot of people work from home. Most of us here work from home. Heck, many of my clients work from home. If all you need is a computer and you have no employees, it's more accepted today than ever.
No, you don't want the TV blaring in the background, but I think a lot of people expect a small business service to be run from a home office. It just doesn't make sense to pay for commercial space if you don't need it.
As long as you keep "big office" professionalism, I don't think anyone gives it a second thought these days and there is no reason for it to even come up.

On the justification thing, I make those all of the time when I buy something and yours sounds like a totally practical decision to me.
Besides, smart phones are cool aren't they?

01-08-2011, 09:20 PM
I realized after I wrote what I wrote that I didn't mean it the way I wrote it. I meant that I don't want my clients to know that I work from home because I have to take care of my parents. I don't want them to think that will distract me from my work. I don't care that they know I work from home. In fact, my new client works from home. I have a problem sometimes saying what I really mean.

Harold Mansfield
01-08-2011, 09:31 PM
I understand. There is no reason for them to know anything about your personal life. And there is nothing wrong with the reason that you work from home. Ask any of the Moms on here that work from home and have kids. It's just how business has developed. People can do more than they used to, thanks to tech advances.

01-09-2011, 01:28 AM
I work from home and try to give the impression I work for a large company. Sometimes the dog barks. I either act as if nothing happened or comment that I'm a remote employee or working from home today. I don't think it has ever cost me an order. The only time I know of that someone figured out I was a one man show, they looked on google maps. That happened to be an accounts payable guy double checking to make sure he sent a check to the correct address. It didn't affect me as they already have equipment I sold them and owed me money. Which reminds me, I want to take my house photo off google maps. I don't put my address on my web site for that reason.

My situation is different than most people though, If you are presenting yourself as a one person show you shouldn't really need to worry about it to much and have some canned responses if you have a dog bark or similar.

Also, remember that people in large companies heavily use cell phones as well. I've had plenty of customers from companies like Proctor and Gamble or GE forward their office phone to their cell while they are at lunch or in the field. A large percentage of customers list their office and cell number in their email signature.

Steve B
01-09-2011, 02:38 AM
You soon won't know how you survived without your smart phone. I've been getting e-mails on my phone for many years and I know I've impressed a lot of customers with fast responses to their questions etc. I've been able to justify a lot of time away from work because the affect on my businesses is so minimal. This has made a significant impact on the time I've been able to spend with my kids and my elderly parents (who live in a different state).

01-10-2011, 12:20 PM
I have to admit, the smartphones are nice. I probably have more phone than I need 95% of the time, but it's saves my behind the other 5%.

Harold Mansfield
01-10-2011, 01:23 PM
I've been stuck with a phone that I hate for months now. Waiting to see what the tab market will bring. I really want one with the phone function unlocked. I'll be really mad if I just go ahead and get another Blackberry or Droid phone and then someone comes out with a fully functioning tab.
Someone has to do it first. Been browsing the CES presentations but haven't seen it yet.

Samsung really stole the show this year by the way. Some amazing products.

Paper Shredder Clay
01-10-2011, 02:04 PM
I want to salute you for taking care of your parents. Being a caretaker takes a lot of energy and puts a large demand on you. It is one of the most hardest jobs out there, yet it pays back. I want to thank you for doing it because I know how hard it was when I helped my grandfather. I wish you the best.

Business Attorney
01-10-2011, 06:30 PM
I finally retired my Treo 650 ten days ago. I was leaving town on vacation and decided I needed something better while I was traveling. I am on AT&T (because of the the Family Plan), so chose the Samsung Captivate, which is AT&T's version of the Galaxy S android smart phone. So far, I have been thrilled with it. One of the reasons I chose that phone was the Swype feature for entering text. Until you try it you won't believe it can work so well!

01-10-2011, 06:58 PM
Mine is a Samsung something or other. It is still a pay as you go plan. These plans are finally offering smart phones. You just have to pay outright for the phone but you aren't locked into a contract. I did research on the different companies and the phones offered and the Samsung I purchased had a good review. The reviewier said for someone who had never used a smart phone before it would be a great buy, for someone who had used smart phones then some of the features may be a little slow or obsolete. But since I am a new users I won't know what's good or bad. It had a very good review for the keyboard, so who knows, if you all want to send me your emails, maybe I'll send you a text. LOL.

01-13-2011, 09:11 PM
I want to salute you for taking care of your parents. Being a caretaker takes a lot of energy and puts a large demand on you. It is one of the most hardest jobs out there, yet it pays back. I want to thank you for doing it because I know how hard it was when I helped my grandfather. I wish you the best.

Thank you, I am more than happy to do anything I can for my parents.

I got my phone a couple of days ago and love it, but still learning all the bells and whistles. Personally I haven't found any apps that I can't live without. And another thing, how does anyone use the internet on these tiny screens? I had trouble seeing the screen on my netbook, I can't imaging watching a movie or serfing the net or anything like that on the phone. I'm not having any trouble with my email, although it is kinda of small. But, the other, I don't think I'll be using much.

01-14-2011, 09:58 AM
The small Internet page is one thing I haven't figured out on my phone either. It's great for e-mail and Tweeting and stuff, but not for surfing the net. I'm sure there's a way to make the webpage bigger, I just haven't found it yet. In the meantime, it is kind of useless.

I have watched video on the phone though, and that's not too bad.

01-14-2011, 11:21 AM
I also use the Captivate and absolutely LOVE it!! :)