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View Full Version : Student Subsidies

01-05-2011, 02:10 AM
I apologize is this is in the wrong forum.

I own a small production company and recently hired a student employee as a video editor. He is currently going to N.A.I.T in the digital media and IT stream, so this work would be considered relevant to his field.
Is there any subsidies or grants available to my business for doing this? I heard about the co-op program but I am not sure on the details of it or if this would even apply. We are just starting out so a subsidies would help me cover my costs of employment and pay him a higher wage for his troubles.

Location: Edmonton Alberta

Thank you for your time in answering this question.

01-05-2011, 09:17 AM
Is that part of the Television Arts program? They've added so many new things since I looked into the programs there. (I'm just a little northwest of you and used to live in the city)

I know they do have programs for Work Experience, but I am not sure how you would get on the program as an employer. However, I think calling around and finding the right department at NAIT will turn up the answer. Also there's the youth employment initiative for the summer through the Federal gov't...I think you can find out exactly what that is through the 1 800 O Canada number. Also, check with the Film Board if you've got any projects in production that might qualify for one of their grants. (I hear grants are a bear to fill out though).