View Full Version : Anyone use their phones for music or work anything like that?

12-22-2010, 10:27 PM
Hey I'm working on a theoretical networking system for one of my classes, and I've been playing a little bit with programming phones and whatnot. I'm wondering what people use them for (music, movies, documents at work, etc)? Maybe not even necessarily phones, basically the concept is off-site storage, and you would be able to stream data to and from computers or phones or whatever. I figure a lot of you might use or could use something similar, and if you do what you don't like about how it works, what you would use, etc.

12-23-2010, 12:39 AM
I use mine to talk on.

Harold Mansfield
12-23-2010, 09:26 AM
I don't use my phone for much besides talking. Outside of email, it's just not really practical or enjoyable to do anything else on them. Definitely not watching movies or any long term web searching.
I have an iPod touch and I don't really use that for much either since I don't have a need to take music and videos with me all that much.

Not that I wouldn't want to use it for more, but I don't care how advanced they get (and I've owned a lot of phones) a 4" screen is just not enjoyable to use for any kind of multi tasking which is why I am more interested to see what kind of pads will be available.

As far as any off site storage. I don't have a need for it but that's not to say that I don't see how others may. I have a netbook and a laptop and can access my main computer at anytime as well.
What would be different about something new that doesn't already exist?

12-23-2010, 12:14 PM
E-mail, Twitter and Facebook when I'm at trade shows and can't use my laptop. Don't watch movies or video much although I have done when waiting at the airport for a flight. Texting. I tend to use my phone the least for talking, now that I think about it.

12-23-2010, 12:35 PM
First and foremost I use my phone as a phone. Beyond that I use it for all sorts of things. I'll look things up online while out. Maybe it's directions to somewhere I'm going or to catch up on the news. I do play games on the phone to kill a few minutes here or there. I check email and various social networks. Sometimes I'll use it as a camera.

I don't currently have music loaded on it, but that's more to do with me having been too lazy to convert my cds to mp3s and then discovering that my optical drive was no longer working. In time there will be music on the phone.\

I can't say I use it to do work other than the calls and email. I can store documents and I'll likely add a task manager in the near future, but it's not like I plan on editing spreadsheets or other office work on the phone and I don't plan on doing web design work on it either. The capability is there for those things, but realistically there aren't going to be many times where I would need to use my phone for those things.

12-23-2010, 04:57 PM
Use the gps and my wife uses google searches a lot while shopping to find out if a sale item is a "deal" or not. No videos though. I can only really see that if you are board and sitting in an airport with no laptop.

mobile resolutions
12-30-2010, 02:09 AM
I use for talk, text,facebook, twitter, email, and business.

12-30-2010, 11:15 AM
Bought a Droid Incredible about six weeks ago and try to use it for everything so I can make recommendations to my bosses and clients. I check multiple email accounts, FB accounts and Twitter accounts as well as use Foursquare, radio, camera and more. Don't really see a need for off-site storage as the phone isn't my primary source for doing all this work.
