View Full Version : When a client does well...It makes you proud!

Harold Mansfield
12-07-2010, 11:09 AM
One of my clients just landed a show on Food TV in (his native) New Zealand. It's something he's been working on since we first hooked up and I am very proud of him right now.

I built one, and administer his and his wife's (who is an accomplished author) websites and pretty much act as their go to web guy.

Of course I didn't have anything to do with the show or anything of his other accomplishments. It just feels good when people that you have been working with start to achieve their goals.

Shows - Food TV (http://www.foodtv.co.nz/8-782/Show/Delicious-Iceland)

Just wanted to share.

12-07-2010, 11:31 AM
Amen, Harold, I couldn't agree more. Whether we're directly involved in the accomplishment or not, it is still why we do what we do.

12-07-2010, 01:52 PM
That's very cool. It is nice to see someone you've successfully worked with achieve one of their goals.

12-07-2010, 03:18 PM
Likewise - very good. I am a bit more involved with a business owner's success and, you are right, it certainly does feel good when they succeed.

Well done, Harold.

12-07-2010, 04:17 PM
That is awesome news Harold!

Harold Mansfield
12-07-2010, 04:28 PM
I hope he gets his websites listed in the credits. That would be awesome!

12-07-2010, 04:39 PM
That's pretty cool. I'll watch his show. I love watching cooking shows. That station is new on our cable network.

Harold Mansfield
12-07-2010, 05:23 PM
That's pretty cool. I'll watch his show. I love watching cooking shows. That station is new on our cable network.

I'm not sure if we'll see it here in the U.S. I think it's only in New Zealand.
But if you want to check him out, he makes very nice videos:
Delicious Iceland » Tales of unique northern delicacies (http://www.deliciousiceland.com)
The Basic Cookbook | Recipes and Video Cooking Tutorials from award winning Chef Volundur Volundarson (http://www.thebasiccookbook.com)

(shameless link dropping)

12-07-2010, 05:26 PM
thats so great....and im sure the websites are part of their impressive image....

12-08-2010, 03:19 AM
Most people love to associate with success! That's the basis of "name dropping", autographs, pics taken with celebrities and other "brushes with greatness"... and in some way, was your motivation to post this thread.

Congratulatins to Chef Volundarson, may his ratings rise with his yeast rolls. ;~)

Harold Mansfield
12-08-2010, 05:50 AM
Most people love to associate with success! That's the basis of "name dropping", autographs, pics taken with celebrities and other "brushes with greatness"... and in some way, was your motivation to post this thread.

Heck yeah! You see it all over the corporate world. JD Power and Associates awards, Consumer Reports ratings, Listing of corporate partners and clients, Golf Sponsorship, "4 out of 5 dentist" (the most generic of them all), and don't even let me get into BCS Bowls and NASCAR. And there's so many logos on a Hockey arena you can barely see the ice and the puck.

But they don't call it name dropping. It's called sponsorship, creative product placement and "partners". Granted most of them are paid, but they associate with success and popularity to promote their products. That's why high rated shows get more per 30 sec spot. Popularity means visibility.