View Full Version : outside the box

09-14-2010, 07:05 AM
wish me luck....im getting ready to take an internet course on facebook...im going to do it in tandem with my worker at work.......im so not tekky...and will probably be the dumbest one in the class....im dreading it.... but its all for a good cause!!!
my goal is to get he site cuter and the posts nicer, more tempting and more about them...and better content and to highlight my web and blog better...

09-14-2010, 08:57 AM
Excellent! Don't be so down on yourself, though. You are only as non-technical as you believe yourself to be. Change your belief and you change your whole attitude to the subject - and will do a lot better and learn a lot more, as a consequence.

09-14-2010, 09:17 AM
good points..
..im going to make a notebook...i NEED to see things on paper...i learned to run the credit card machine...and its pretty hard...i cant do tivo...but i can do roku.....i can print but i cant do photoshop...
sadly im in the generation of off and on...and now thats kind of out the window.... one of our tvs has a red light when you turn it on...or whatever they call ON...... some of our phones do things one way some the other..... its hard...
i love the internet and how its enriched our store...and the personal fun being able to see so many different worlds in art and music and etc......so im motivated...

09-14-2010, 12:25 PM
I'm betting you are more techie than you think ann.

09-14-2010, 01:48 PM
Don't sell yourself short, Ann, the fact that you're willing to go out there and learn puts you miles ahead of a lot of people. I'm not particularly techy either, but I've learned things that are considered quite technical. It's really all in how you think about it.

09-14-2010, 08:49 PM
luckily i have workers and family who can do some of the things i want .....i dont expect to be good at everything.... which is a good thng....
if i did something over and over i could probably learn better...as it is i try something...then dont go back for a while so it doesnt sink in...like learning paint or word...i dont really get to it very often...but i would like to learn... i have a super heavy work load and do the computer stuff on the side....

Harold Mansfield
09-15-2010, 10:41 AM
No one starts out being "techie". There were definitely no classes on this stuff when I was in college because this stuff didn't exist. Every business person should know enough about web basics to get basic things done and I think you are doing that and doing just fine at it.

09-15-2010, 11:58 AM
right!!! then i see your tumbling blocks, which btw...i got lost on.... or that neat english skateboard site and i want more more more....

Harold Mansfield
09-15-2010, 12:34 PM
right!!! then i see your tumbling blocks, which btw...i got lost on.... or that neat english skateboard site and i want more more more....

Well, based on your wants and needs, I think that you eventually are going to do a redesign of your website and I of course am going to recommend (when that time comes) that you strongly look at Wordpress as your publishing platform..especially for a "Do It Yourselfer". You will be able to run it yourself, and combine your blog with your website, instead of having them at different places.
You may need a service provider for the initial design and set up, but after that it will be easy for you implement changes, updates and add those different functions that you like.

Most all of the sites that you seem to like are on Wordpress or can be done the exact same way on Wordpress.

Just something to think about for the future.

The CU3er slider isn't that easy to grasp if you don't work in web design all of the time. It, and other functions or effects are really more for developers or advanced users. It's not exactly plug and play, but there are a lot of existing themes that use it as a featured option.

09-15-2010, 07:48 PM
thanks eborg....i'll remember that....
sorry...i meant i couldnt tell where your blocks wanted me to go, as a customer not a designer....i tried to click on them.... it was so visually cool tho!!!!....

Harold Mansfield
09-16-2010, 11:05 AM
sorry...i meant i couldnt tell where your blocks wanted me to go, as a customer not a designer....i tried to click on them.... it was so visually cool tho!!!!....

Yep, I know. It's not meant to be a part of the main navigation...it's just there for visual appeal so you didn't really miss anything.

09-21-2010, 12:07 PM
Good for you Ann! I'm finally taking some web design classes too - something a good friend of mine who is a designer as well but who is 10 years younger so who took web design in college as well as the print design I learned recommended that I do about 5 years ago. I love learning new things and I'm excited to be finally expanding my skill set - it's frustrating to know what I want to do, know I should be able to do it but not quite be able to get it done. I don't expect web design to ever be my full focus - but it will be nice to be able to offer it to my existing clients. Primarily I want to learn so that I can develop my web presence and promote what I'm good at - print design and layout.