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12-12-2009, 10:19 AM
I went to the local Remodeler association Christmas party last night.

The remodelers are still horibly slow with no end in sight, but i talked w/ a few who also do new houses and they see a large up-tick for spring. They are bidding on 2x the amount of plans...

just something positive id share...im hopeful...

12-12-2009, 10:50 AM
Some of the oil service companies (one of our two major industries) in town are starting to pick up and scrambling to hire on after the layoffs...so many headed back to Newfoundland in the spring/summer that the pool has diminished.

12-12-2009, 11:28 PM
I do quite a bit of business with the oil and gas industry and never really saw a slowdown.

12-12-2009, 11:31 PM
Yeah i think that is a problem that will always exist. When people get laid off, if their is no real other employment, often they will move on. Especially if there is work somewhere else in that some industry.

This could be the only issue if new builds start to pick up is, is there a big enough work force potentially available to work on any extra projects that start to come in.

12-13-2009, 07:38 PM
sounds good huggy....house start ups would sure help us..
and sad, but think of all the new homeowners in those foreclosed houses...they might be needing things and services too...
im trying to be optimistic ..

12-13-2009, 09:17 PM
Careful, Ann. There are some people around here who would not want you to be so cheerful. :D

(Joke! Really! :D:D:D)

12-14-2009, 08:51 AM
are we nuts spider!!! i dont feel like pollyanna...i feel more like lily tomlin...i try to be cynical but i cant keep up....
i put in hard hours every day but one.....and i dont think i could go out there and do it with all gloom in mind...im more optimistic about my business than my country tho....

folks can come to me for a good deal and to save money...so a down economy isnt all bad for us....

12-14-2009, 11:12 AM
Y'know, Ann, I think we may be a little nuts.

Whatever it is, is. One can focus on the good of it or the bad of it. It seems to me, even if it is mostly bad, looking on the good side...

a) feels better (which is reason enough on it's own)
b) by feeling better, I am more able to handle the problem (being bright and cheerful makes you more confident and that makes you more capable)
c) being more capable, I am more likely to succeed at overcoming the problem (it's easier to solve problems when you are bright and cheerful than when you are sad and gloomy)
d) and if I overcome problems better, I am likely to be more successful overall.

I know they (the gloomsters) say that we have to accept what is - we have to see things as they really are. But I say, Why? Why must I look at things as they really are? What will I gain by looking at things as they really are?

If we do that, as I show above, we will not be as successful as we can be by looking on the bright side.

Wayne Dyer said: If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.

I find that to be true.

So, Nutters Unite! Come and join us at Self Improvement | Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/selfimprove)

12-14-2009, 08:31 PM
i had a new builder today (which ive been in contact w/ for years) call me to discuss building a spec. house for spring...he said he is going to gamble for the end of the recession..

i also had 4 referral calls this last week...ive gone 8weeks+ without ONE...so 4 in a week sounds good to me...

I had 2 calls on Saturday...which hasnt happened in 4 months+

I worked a bit on Sunday

I worked 9.5 hours today

December will definately be a profitable month after November was horrible.

Im feeling more positive right now than ive felt in months...

im never in between...im either Positive and feel i can do anything, or Negative and feel my company could fail...even though every year is more successful and i just finished my 3rd year in business(starting my 4th) i still feel i could fail at any time.

its nice to feel positive

12-14-2009, 08:50 PM
Well done, Dave - I'm happy for you