View Full Version : Hi, my name is Daniel Nabors Jr

04-07-2020, 12:32 PM
I am an Entrepreneur, I love to play acoustic guitar; There is a lot going on with me most of the time. I like to stay busy and love to work. Been having some issues lately due to not being able to work because it is shut down. I love the Internet and all the cool things you can find on it. I enjoy talking with others and having a good conversation. I have a degree in Logistical Coordination and miss doing Supply work as well. There is a lot out there to make money but right now I am just trying to find the right project while I am here at the Hospital.

While I am at this hospital I can use the computer 1 hour a day and my goal is to make money on my Pay Pal account. I love Marketing and Advertising, I really enjoy meeting new people. I like this forum for the most part, just looking to see if any of you have some ideas on how I could make money online while I am here. Do you have any free online books or websites I could learn a thing or two on?

I know it takes money to make money, I have a little money saved up and I am debating on what I am going to do with it. I use to be in educational sales and I may get back into that. I am a little all over the place and usually have a hard time focusing, I am looking forward to growing into this Forum because I really like how it is set up. Please leave comment if you read this.

Daniel Nabors Jr