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09-19-2009, 05:06 PM
It's been awhile since I posted a link to an article I thought some would find useful. Here's one I came across recently on social media basics for freelancers (http://freelancefolder.com/social-media-basics-for-freelancers/). Don't let the word freelancers throw you. The post is on the Freelance Folder site, which is why it's there. The advice will apply to anyone interested in social media.

The post covers 4 main topics

1. Barriers to Using Social Media
2. Finding the Right Social Media Websites
3. Effectively Using Your Time on Social Media
4. How to Connect With the Right People

As the title implies the post is on the basics so if you're a social media regular you probably already know most of what's there.

A couple of points from the post worth mentioning:

On finding the right sites: Look at what your clients and colleagues are using

On effectively using your time: Focus your presence on two or three social media sites. A focused presence on one site is always more effective than an unfocused and barely active presence at many sites.

What tips would you add for social media newbies?

Harold Mansfield
09-20-2009, 09:15 AM
I think the biggest question anyone should ask before diving into any Social Media is, "What am I looking to accomplish? Why do I want to be here?"

I had a My Space account for 2 years before I had any idea what I needed it for, or wanted to do with it.
Many of us, and I have been just as guilty, join platforms because everyone else is and figure that we should too because it's the thing to do right now.

Big thing is, each platform has a basic demographic and you really should make sure that yours is within there somewhere before you even get started.
Just because a Social Media site is popular, doesn't mean that it will do you or your particular business any good .

09-21-2009, 12:57 AM
I do the same joining platforms because everyone else is. Sometimes it's just to stake a claim on the username. vangogh has many fans more than me so someone else often beats me to the username.

The advice in the article to focus on a few sites and build a strong presence resonates with me. You don't have to be everywhere, but you do want to stand out in those places where you are.

Harold Mansfield
09-21-2009, 12:04 PM
I'd like to add an article about SEO Tips for Facebook and Twitter. It give a few basic tips to follow when setting up your accounts for business and gives a couple of examples of companies that have done a good job:
SEO tips for Facebook and Twitter - iMediaConnection.com (http://www.imediaconnection.com/content/24335.asp)

09-21-2009, 01:41 PM
I think the biggest piece of advice I would give is to not get caught up in the whole "how many people are following (or friending) me race. I've always thought it's about quality not quantity. Random people who friend everybody probably aren't going to be very interesting or very useful. I'd rather have a smaller pool of targeted followers than a large pool of people who follow everyone indiscriminately.

09-21-2009, 02:15 PM
Nice article eborg.

Harold Mansfield
09-23-2009, 04:29 PM
Nice article eborg.

That article (I think it was that article) pointed out to use domains as redirects. That was a big "DUH". I have a lot of related domains just sitting around...I just recently redirected them to their respective Facebook pages. Probably won't do a whole lot without promoting the domains...not sure if it would be confusing to use a domain as the link to a Facebook page or not.

09-23-2009, 08:36 PM
Only one way to find out. You know I always forget to redirect some of the domains I own to some place useful. I bet a have a few parked at GoDaddy right now that I should really point back to my site.