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09-14-2017, 03:16 PM

At first I have to worn you: this is the honest writing and typed without google translater. Now you might be wondering, why I'm telling that. Exactly that is my point.

I'm not entreprenauer, but daily I work with companies owned by families. My tasks are related to financial accounting and assurance. Now my job description is a little bit changhing and fluency English is essential. So I decided to find active and friendly forum and start to post in English. I quess you had already noticed that English is not my mother language.

So sorry that i'm coming post with not so cleary language :)

09-14-2017, 04:59 PM
Welcome to the forum Xalpel. No need to apologize. We'll be happy to help you learn to write English better and we'll be happy to talk to you about business. I look forward to getting to know you and thanks for joining the community.