View Full Version : Laws/best practices around staffing vacation coverage

12-08-2016, 09:22 AM
Hi guys,
I'll be going on a 2-week vacation in June where I'll be completely off the grid, no cell signals even if I wanted to check in. I need to get someone to cover for me on basic operations of my shop, and I have someone in mind. She will only need to monitor my sales email account for any orders that come in, and log into my shop and fulfill them, maybe answer a customer inquiry by email. Fairly easy, and because my sales volume is very low (maybe 1 - 3 orders/month), I don't think it's enough to warrant doing the paperwork of hiring her.
I currently have no employees, just run the shop by myself. As you can see, my volume doesn't yet support additional staffing and I can't really afford to pay her on an hourly basis. I would "thank" her with a nice gift or something. I do need to cover my absence, but I don't want to look like I'm (or actually be) exploiting her. Should I set up a 1099 arrangement, or is doing it on a favor between friends with a nice gift in exchange generally okay for something of this size/time duration?

12-08-2016, 09:41 AM
I would just treat her as an independent contractor with a fixed fee for the duration of the time you are away. If the total amount that you would pay her is less than $600 than you do not need to file a 1099 to report the payment.

12-08-2016, 09:52 AM
Okay. I'll negotiate the fee with her but I'm pretty sure it would be way less than $600 based on the expected amount of work.