View Full Version : Have traffic but not many sales

02-02-2016, 02:33 PM
Ive been seeing a lot of traffic on website just curious why the sales don't add up. My website is champagnegrooming.com.

Harold Mansfield
02-02-2016, 02:40 PM
Ive been saying a lot of traffic on website just curious why the sales don't add up. My website is champagne grooming.com.

Because there is a disconnect with either the kind of traffic you're getting ( your targeting) , or the ability of the website to close the sale.

I looked at your site. There's a lot of imagery and lifestyle ideals, but you have one product. Your name, SEO, and content doesn't reflect what the product is, and I have to search or scroll to even find it.

You have nice images of everything except the product. Of the product you have one image, and no sales copy.

IMO, assuming you're targeting the correct traffic, once they get there you lose them.

02-02-2016, 03:06 PM
I have to agree with Harold on this. Your site has lovely photography and you're obviously shooting for a certain type of person who aspires to a certain lifestyle, but the product is an afterthought. You have one shot and a small description - and that isn't displayed prominently. Market isn't necessarily a word that people will intuitively know means shop, at least when they're online. My guess is people go to the site, either can't figure out what you're selling or can't figure out how to buy it, and move on.

02-02-2016, 04:26 PM
I'm not your preferred customer, but I've got a few thoughts.

1) You have one product and it isn't featured in a position that a viewer will see it before scrolling.
2) You trademarked the phrase "Refining the modern gentleman"? Really? Why?
3) If I go to order your Brut Styling Clay, and maybe it's my screen, but why do I have to scroll down?
4) What is styling clay and why should it be used by men? Is it for hair or mustaches? Your home page picture screams mustache grooming to me.
5) Do you have a physical address and not just a PO Box? If I'm going to be buying a product off you, I want to know there is a physical location that I could visit if I chose to do so.

That's a start for now.

02-02-2016, 04:35 PM
I'll echo what Harold and Kristine and Brad said. It took me a little while to find your product. I never thought market would be where I'd find it. I only saw the button on the home page when I scrolled down. I wouldn't have done that if I wasn't specifically looking for it to help you. I also don't really know what the product is for. I get it's for your hair, but the first image I saw was a guy with a handle bar mustache so my initial thought was your product is specifically for handlebar mustaches.

As an aside I don't think handlebar mustaches look stylish. Obviously this is just my opinion, but I think the only people who should wear them are movie villains who like to tie damsels in distress to train tracks and then twirl the end of their handlebar as they look into the camera with an evil grin. I realize they're something of a fashion trend at the moment, but I suspect it's a trend that won't last long and is very niche even now at best. All that is to say I think a different image should be featured at the top of the home page.

Mainly I agree with what's been said. The site looks nice, but there's little directing me to the product or telling me why I would want it.

02-02-2016, 07:29 PM
1 i agree, i feel like moving that up, and making it easier to see without scrolling to far down.
2 this phrase means that our grooming company is refining the modern man, its geared to the person who is into fashion in the modern age.
3it will bring you to our market page to order
4 styling clay is a pretty common type of styling product for men
5thats currently on our locations part of our site on the menu bar. we have various barbershops/salons carrying it.

02-02-2016, 07:30 PM
the mustache and everyone pictured is what is extremely trendy for the modern fashion minded gentleman

02-04-2016, 04:49 PM
I think the main issue is that the product is harder to find than it should be.

I know I'm not in your target market, because fashion and being stylish and keeping up with trends are about as far from my interests as could be. I'm as anti-stylish and anti-trendy as a human being can be. I don't even own a suit or plan on buying one any time in the future. I say so you know to ignore my opinion about what is and isn't stylish and trendy.

But as someone who's been designing and developing websites for a long time, the site needs to focus on the product more if you want to sell it. Unless someone already knows in advance that they want to buy what you're selling, they aren't going to spend more than a few seconds looking for it before thinking they'll find it faster on another site.

I just revisited the site and see you've already done that. Much better. Now to see if we're right and you more people buy. I looked at your source code and I didn't notice any kind of analytics. Maybe I missed it. If you don't have Google Analytics or similar set up, do set it up. You can set up goals that will track whether or not people click on the order now button and whether or not those who do go on to actually buy the product.

One other thought is to have a dedicated page describing the styling clay. Think about potential questions people might have and try to address those. I can't speak for others, but one thing that always keeps me from buying online is when there's no information about the product. When I don't see any information, I assume it's because the information would make me like the product less.

02-08-2016, 04:38 PM
I agree with everyone who has replied. Beautiful site, but I had trouble understanding what was going on, then i figured out you were selling the styling clay. Just a thought. You first show a guy adjusting a bow tie. Then an image of product and images of men under it, then a image of curled up mustache man. You might consider making the second image all about the product and omit the men images. Or at least make the styling clay the dominant subject the second image.

I'm not into this kinda stuff but I ordered one anyway. If I have no use for it I know I can find someone who does.

02-10-2016, 02:13 PM
Showed your website to the wife. She thought the website was beautiful, but didn't know what you were selling either. She said the product should be the first thing one sees. She also pointed out that you are selling hair stuff and the first image you see the banner saying "Refining the modern man" covers up the guy's hair. But at least when you scroll that does adjust.

In my opinion if you are planning on going big time; shampoo, conditioner, face wash, shaving cream, champagne flavored toothpaste - the whole 9, then your lifestyle website makes more sense. That you are selling the "modern style", not just one product as you are now.

Also, I sent an email about my order and no one responded as of yet.

02-10-2016, 07:41 PM
Rarely do I develop a business website that doesn't require some degree of revision(s) down the road based on the site's analytics... And that's OK. After all, a good looking website is, more or less, useless if it's not functioning as it's intended to do... And that often takes trial and error, or perhaps simply trying new things to see what works best to generate the desired results.

If I personally had to make one revision to your site, I'd add a fixed navigation bar to the top with an "Order Now" button. The reason being is because you only have one initial "Order Now" button on your home page, but once you scroll past it, to check out the rest of the site... There is nothing. In fact, that single "Order Now" button on your home page is the only one I noticed.

02-14-2016, 11:24 AM
When I filled out the order form on their website it kinda autofills and I made a mistake on the ship to. I contacted them to correct the error but they never responded. I received my purchase from them the other day. It works and smells nice, I think there is a hint of apple in the scent.

02-16-2016, 02:07 PM
You definitely need some conversion optimization. If you're in a DIY mindset, googling "website conversion optimization" will get you started. If you've got enough potential revenue, and want to really push growth, you could consider a marketing company that does this. Either way, looking at your site, if I were to ask, "how could I give them my money", it's hard for me to figure out how to answer that question. That's bad.

Using the word "market" for your menu link to the store page isn't conventional, which I'm sure was the point, but it makes it harder for customers to find it.

02-22-2016, 10:08 AM
They did finally contact me via email and addressed my question.

03-13-2016, 01:01 AM
Your website looks good. Who is your ideal customer? where is the traffic coming from? if it's paid traffic and you make no sales maybe you should change the keyword you focus on. Try to find where your ideal customer is and get in front of him, doesn't matter if it's online or off.

Steven Miller
03-13-2016, 03:25 AM
Yes, I'll be boring and say that I have to agree with all the responses you already got here, and yes, I love the photographs!!! It shows that you put an effort into the site and most probably the SEO is working because there is traffic coming in to the site but it is lost and is not being converted into real leads.
Good Luck with the changes!!

03-25-2016, 10:59 AM
I'll throw my 2 cents in too, since you're asking :)

1) You'll need to work on the message. I actually *might* be in your market, but it's hard to know what the site is about when I first land. Your headline/header should say exactly what you are and what problem you solve. That way, prospects know exactly what they'll find on the site and can make the decision to stay or leave immediately.

2) More prominent product placement if you want to sell the product right away. If you want to get them on your email list so you can sell people who would otherwise bounce, offer something that market would be interested in, maybe like grooming tips or something. And, put that sign up form directly under your header so it's easy to see.

3) Simple is better. When I look at your navigation, I can't find an "about" page. If I've never heard of you, I want to know who you are before I give you my money. It appears at least some of this information is under "roots", but this is an unfamiliar title. You're trying to be too cute. Instead, you need to beat people over the head with an obvious stick. Web visitors are accustomed to "about" for about page links. Seems simple, but I guarantee visitor flow to that page will improve if you change that. Nielsen Norman Group has some of the best research on this. Bottom line: always use traditional nav menu anchor text.

4) Make it easier to find the product. Create a simple and obvious menu link for it like "Buy Brut Styling Clay" or something similar.

That will increase sales right off the bat assuming you have the right traffic coming in.

04-04-2016, 10:11 AM
There are some great site analytics tools that give you much more than pure Google Analytics.

Kissmetrics, HelloEgg, Hotjar, etc. Some will even show you where the user clicks where their mouse travels so you can see what they could be missing within your content to lead to low conversions.

04-12-2016, 08:00 AM
There are already plenty of useful advices, I should say your site looks really nice, but there's lack of info as for me.

04-24-2016, 11:10 AM
In my opinion, what's missing is WHY being a gentleman matters. As others have said, site looks great but you're just selling stuff. I would consider adding a free report eg. "7 Ways Being a Gentleman in 2016 Can Change Your Life." Get the reader to trade email for the report. The report could reveal why being a gentleman matters. Open some eyes. Build a following. Your traffic is coming for a reason and, as Harold says, assuming you're getting the right qualified prospects, give them something of value. Become a gentleman advisor.