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View Full Version : Improving Adsense

07-03-2009, 11:44 PM
Well i wanted to look to share a little tip some may find helpful, but also ask a question.

Basically i have been reading a little lately about what is called "smart pricing" on Google Adsense. For those that have not seen anything about it, basically if you have low converting sites you are potentially getting a lot smaller cut of the value of a click. You can read a little more about it in a post on Problogger, which also offers one solution. Publisher Uses Multiple AdSense Accounts to Increase Earnings (http://www.problogger.net/archives/2006/02/28/publisher-uses-multiple-adsense-accounts-to-increase-earnings/)

While in the post above the solution ends on a second adsense account. From what i can establish this is not something that Google generally allows it would seem, unless specific separation of business can be established. I have tried looking at some of the alternatives, however many seem to have traffic requirements. And while my traffic has more then doubled since i last discussed advertising, it is still i suppose smaller in the eyes of the ad networks.

07-04-2009, 11:36 AM
I looked at smart pricing awhile ago, but Google didn't seem to say much about it other than to acknowledge they used it. I took smart pricing to mean you were best to remove ads on underperforming sites in order to improve your earnings on other sites.

Interesting idea to open multiple AdSense accounts, though I thought Google always frowned up that. I thought their stance was one account per person, though I believe they make exceptions at times.

For me the takeaway of smart pricing was that each of your AdSense sites affects the others and so it might be best to remove ads from underperforming pages in order to increase your overall AdSense revenue.

07-26-2009, 10:28 PM
Yes I would be surprised if Google would allow multiple accounts for one person. If you used other people's names I'm sure you could get away with it, but you'd be risking your future AdSense income. I know from experience that once you're banned, they generally don't forgive you, even years later.