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Tackle Supply Depot
11-04-2015, 01:54 PM
Hello Everyone!

I am recently joining a new, growing company who needs some information on what options there are to help manage inventory. We use multiple platforms such as Amazon, EBay, Volusion Retail Solutions, and we have a physical retail store which is open to the public, but we're not fully functional or stocked just yet. Our warehouse is onsite here behind the store front.

We are looking for a program that is all-encompassing, and can manage our inventory flow and keep it current and updated for all the platforms we are using, including the in-store sales. I recently spoke to a rep from BOA about the Clover POS, and will be having a demo done here to see what this system can do.

If anyone out there has used Clover, or another program who does what I described as our needs, please let us know!

Thanks for reading and any input you may have!


11-05-2015, 10:11 AM
Welcome to the forum TSD. I don't have a good answer for you, but I wanted to reply to help keep your thread active so others with answers might better see it.

I'm searching a little to see what I can find. It's possible you'll need another application like QuickBooks that your POS and data from Amazon, etc. all feed into. I think some POS systems will be able to pull in the Amazon, etc. data, but I haven't found one in my limited searching yet. Strike that. I think I just needed a different search. I'm searching "POS Amazon integration" and then switching Amazon for EBay, etc and there are results. I think most are cloud based and will require a monthly fee.

Sorry I don't have experience with any of them and can't recommend one over the other. Like I said I'm mostly filling up space to keep your thread active so it comes to the attention of someone who can provide a better answer.