View Full Version : Submitted press release with inaccurate information

07-13-2015, 05:23 PM
I submitted a press release about a local summer camp being offered and got the location wrong - I stated 'Performance Art Center' when it is really 'Performing Arts Center'. I am thinking of sweeping this error under the rug since the incorrect name still brings up the correct location in search but is it worth sending a corrected press release?

Additionally this is the first press release job I have ever done so I am not sure if it there is more negative impact on my reputation by sending a corrected press release or to have the location (which is not my client) become irritated with the incorrect name.

Harold Mansfield
07-13-2015, 05:26 PM
I submitted a press release about a local summer camp being offered and got the location wrong - I stated 'Performance Art Center' when it is really 'Performing Arts Center'. I am thinking of sweeping this error under the rug since the incorrect name still brings up the correct location in search but is it worth sending a corrected press release?
Yes, of course. Even if it's already published any editor can easily add the correction..assuming we are talking about online sources.

07-13-2015, 05:31 PM
You offer to the client to correct it for no charge. Let the client make the decision. It's better to be open and upfront about your errors. And it'll force you to put a process in place to prevent these errors in the future.

07-13-2015, 05:49 PM
Good point about print - best sooner than later. I just submitted corrections. Thanks!

07-13-2015, 05:53 PM
Side question.. The client approved the press release before I sent it and did not realize the error. Although I wrote the press release the client is technically held accountable in this situation due to approving the content?

07-13-2015, 05:56 PM
Technically, yes, if that's what your agreement with the client says. Beyond that, you have a situation where you are both at fault for missing it, so you have a customer service issue to resolve.

Harold Mansfield
07-13-2015, 06:12 PM
Side question.. The client approved the press release before I sent it and did not realize the error. Although I wrote the press release the client is technically held accountable in this situation due to approving the content?

I agree with what Freelancer said. I do feel that as the professional the burden is more on you since you're paid to get it right. Had they given you the wrong info, then that's another story."

Many times quickly admitting (or catching) a small mistake, addressing it and taking care of it expediently makes you look even more professional and trustworthy in the yes a lot of people.

07-14-2015, 12:42 AM
If it has already been published then it's been picked up by hundreds of news outlets already with incorrect info. By submitting it again with the same content(besides the name correction) will be of no value. Google will just no-index the duplicate when they catch it.
I wouldn't worry about it as long as the other contact info is correct. ex. address, phone number, URL