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View Full Version : I want to start blogging, but not a personal blog.

05-25-2015, 09:35 PM
Okay, so I want to start blogging about business and teenage entrepreneurship. My dream is to write for Entreprenuer.com or Forbes, but I know I won't get anywhere with them. Is there any websites that would be open to that? Thanks :D

Harold Mansfield
05-26-2015, 09:22 AM
Okay, so I want to start blogging about business and teenage entrepreneurship. My dream is to write for Entreprenuer.com or Forbes, but I know I won't get anywhere with them. Is there any websites that would be open to that? Thanks :D

A number of publications accept submissions.

I'd suggest starting the blog, getting in some practice, trying to build a following and some traffic to it and then start submitting articles to the various publications.
Don't just submit willy-nilly. Read the guidelines of each and learn what they are looking for and how they want it submitted.

Or you may think about building your blog up and being a respected source of information yourself. And then people will submit to you.

05-26-2015, 06:47 PM
I don't see any reason why you wouldn't be able to write for Entrepreneur or Forbes. You have to start with a belief...from there everything else springs. Peace...and think SUPER BIG!!!

05-26-2015, 11:20 PM
I don't see any reason why you wouldn't be able to write for Entrepreneur or Forbes. You have to start with a belief...from there everything else springs. Peace...and think SUPER BIG!!!

They're pretty big magazines. That and I already submitted an application and haven't back from neither.

05-31-2015, 06:47 PM
It's not neither - it's either. It does make a difference when it comes to Entrepreneur and Forbes. And you don't get in by submitting an application. You get in by submitting a query letter encapsulating your idea and full range of experience to show you can deliver in 400 words or less.

Now blogging can be a very effective (and lucrative, if you plan it right) way to build that range of experience. But blogging doesn't come with editorial help to improve your writing over time - as it does when you pursue freelance writing. Which is another avenue to crack Forbes and Entrepreneur - to start with query letters (and success with) smaller and more regional publications as you work your way up the freelance food chain.

Finally, you can pursue being covered by such publications as a celebrity entrepreneur. Such as is the case with the articles by Richard Branson. At least I think that's Entrepreneur. It could be INC. In any case - it's completely possible to get into such magazines if you're an excellent writer who can deliver content that their readers and advertisers love.

05-31-2015, 09:26 PM

Please don't take my comments the wrong way,

You're all over the map...what happen to your app development? Last time I looked your website needs a ton of content. I don't mean any disrespect but maybe focus on one project at a time and develop the content for your website. It is the perfect place to start...

I don't understand how a blog post for a big magazine works in with the repair app business. Or maybe the query letter and blog post is just that about the repair app business. Getting a post in a big magazine about the repair app business would be a home run...

I can see that fitting...RR

06-01-2015, 11:28 AM
Good luck Owen I think just because we are young and not soo experienced doesn't mean we can't add or thing and make a difference that is what I intend to do. I think you just need to believe fully in yourself and that is the hard part I think when I get knock backs! Good luck you can do it! Louise x

06-01-2015, 08:39 PM

Please don't take my comments the wrong way,

You're all over the map...what happen to your app development? Last time I looked your website needs a ton of content. I don't mean any disrespect but maybe focus on one project at a time and develop the content for your website. It is the perfect place to start...

I don't understand how a blog post for a big magazine works in with the repair app business. Or maybe the query letter and blog post is just that about the repair app business. Getting a post in a big magazine about the repair app business would be a home run...

I can see that fitting...RR

I'm a very, very busy person. I have been quoted saying by quite a few people I know "I wish I could just stop sleeping and eating and work instead." ~ Me

I constantly want to be doing something. I left my job at a bowling alley because there wasn't enough to do. I feed off of the stress and the work involved with business. Right now I'm not doing much which for me is soul wrenching. Blogging would be great to add to my schedule because, well, why not?

That's also another reason why I'm so active on this forum. I need to be doing something business or I get incredibly bored.

Good luck Owen I think just because we are young and not soo experienced doesn't mean we can't add or thing and make a difference that is what I intend to do. I think you just need to believe fully in yourself and that is the hard part I think when I get knock backs! Good luck you can do it! Louise x

Good luck to you too. :-)

01-19-2016, 09:20 AM
I suggest that you define your passion - so that you can develop a list of article topics - and then start writing the articles....

Once you are aware as to what a good article has for structure, you may well be able to submit them to other sites.

You might start your own blog so as to test your writing skills.

02-25-2016, 06:31 AM
The best place to start anything would be with your own blog. Start reading blogs on the subject and start building up your brand. In today's world you don't have to worry about Forbs, when you build your brand you can live comfortably off your own blog. At that point they will come to you.