View Full Version : Hello!!!

12-29-2014, 06:37 PM
Hello, I am a young full time student who is interested in investing in and starting my own small businesses. I am not a business professional by any means and have no real business experience or advice to bring to the table. :( I am here to learn all that I can while I build my first business. I hope that you all are willing to to share your ever so valuable time and experience with a determined, young Entrepreneur. It is an honor and a pleasure being here.

David Hunter
12-29-2014, 06:44 PM
Welcome to the forum!

What type of business are you looking to start?

12-29-2014, 10:07 PM
Welcome to the forum LIG. At one point most of us were in the same situation. We didn't know much about business, but knew we wanted to go into business for ourselves. A lot of the learning will come once you're in business. We'll be happy to share our experiences in any way we can and I'm sure you'll be helping others out sooner than you realize. All you have to do is share your thoughts and experiences.

Looking forward to getting to know you and thanks for joining the community.

12-30-2014, 11:32 AM
Hello guys! Thank you for being so welcoming. I have a few ideas running through my head. I am thinking about starting with a few vending machines to start getting a little cash flow. I have been playing with the ideas of Storage unit facility, car was, food truck, gas station, and a few other ideas. I understand that in order to be successful i need to pick my favorite and dedicate my time towards it. I know the market is tough at the moment but I also know that now is a great time to buy cheap assets (if you have the extra money) that have dropped in price because of our current economical position. what businesses do you guys run? I am new to all this and am really lacking in advisement and also in social support. This forum looks promising to fill both vacant positions lol

David Hunter
12-30-2014, 04:04 PM
Some of those businesses sound pretty expensive to start... vending machines (I talked to a guy who has over 30, and he said it's a lot more work than it looks, and he said to always buy new machines) and the storage units... well, I guess they all do. But, if you have the money to invest go for it! If anything, it'll be a great learning experience.

I used to be in real estate sales, but have since retired (that's what I call it, ha) from it and now do marketing full time (affiliate marketing, coaching/consulting, creating some info-products).

12-30-2014, 06:57 PM
oh very nice David. These are just ideas the nice part about storage units is they do not have a really high maintenance cost! good income generating asset! that is if they are full! lol. there is a lot of talk about buying assets, but the hard part is finding a true asset that is not actually a liability! I was think of just 1 vending machine as a start and learn thing. my college is in desperate need of a coffee vending machine so this has gone through my head. I would have to secure the location before I actually bought the machine of coarse! lol

12-30-2014, 07:16 PM
Welcome to the forums. I just joined today so as I type this I feel like I welcomed you to someone else's house.

It is great that you have that entrepreneurial spirit. Your ideas are all good but there are a good bit of up front costs associated with them. If you can commit that cash up front take it and run.

My best advice however is if at all possible don't go into debt to start a business. That is just my personal philosophy. Harder to make money starting in the hole.

David Hunter
12-31-2014, 11:38 AM

Just be sure, when you doing the vending machines to make sure they're always stocked!! If there's nothing in them, you ain't producing.

12-31-2014, 05:25 PM
Great advice guys. i dont plan on going into debt to start. I plan on using my nursing career to fund my assets. but im not against starting early lol