View Full Version : need a logo for my site

10-13-2014, 08:49 PM
Can anyone suggest a logo designer for me to look into? I'd like a new logo for my site and just need a logo that's simple and unique. I've searched around and most websites charge anywhere from $200 and up. Wondering if anyone here knows a site I can check out for a better deal?


10-13-2014, 10:06 PM
Your best deal is going to be to find an actual graphic designer to work with rather than dealing with a get-your-logo-here site. And honestly? $200 isn't bad for a logo. The logo is the beginning of all your branding - take the time to get it right, that will be money well-spent.

10-14-2014, 12:46 AM
I brand companies for a living, but the budget needed is more than $200. If you're looking for something quick and dirty, you can try to hire a student/intern.

10-16-2014, 02:53 AM
I am also struggling to get a logo for me and I am not sure how to select and what to select. I want something that I like on first sight like love at first sight. The main problem is I do not have big budget and I understand that getting a logo for branding purpose will be really costly still I am trying with my own thoughts to get one that is better.

11-15-2014, 12:14 AM
I am also struggling to get a logo for me and I am not sure how to select and what to select. I want something that I like on first sight like love at first sight. The main problem is I do not have big budget and I understand that getting a logo for branding purpose will be really costly still I am trying with my own thoughts to get one that is better.

Freelancer.com and other freelance sites are your friends :)

11-15-2014, 12:58 PM
I agree with others an actual relationship with a graphic designer you trust is one of the most important relationships you will develop as a small business. If you can't do that 99 designs isn't terrible. If you can't afford that fiverr is pretty bad but at least it's cheap.

3 different price points, 3 levels of quality. You really get what you pay for on this one.

11-16-2014, 03:04 AM
If you're really tight on the budget, you might want to check out some gigs in Fiverr.com

11-16-2014, 09:25 PM
Logos and websites are 2 things that a company shouldn't be gambling on when it comes to being marketable.

11-17-2014, 01:19 PM
Logos and websites are 2 things that a company shouldn't be gambling on when it comes to being marketable.

Some people don't seem to understand this. Yes, we can do a logo for $200, but that version might not reflect your business or be memorable. You'll need a bigger budget for that.
Designing a logo is one thing. Designing a _good_ logo is a different game.

11-18-2014, 01:32 PM
Try fiverr.com .. you can get a simple logo for $5 .. I'm not in a position to vouch for quality though as I design my logos myself. There are plenty of online tools available which are free and pretty effecient.

12-01-2014, 12:47 AM
+1 for fiverr. You can find some good freelancers for $5 but you absolutely need to know exactly what you want and manage to explain your need.
I have already tried fiverr for a former business and results was very good but be careful with who you hire because some are very bad.

12-01-2014, 10:09 AM
+1 for fiverr. You can find some good freelancers for $5 but you absolutely need to know exactly what you want and manage to explain your need.
I have already tried fiverr for a former business and results was very good but be careful with who you hire because some are very bad.

Your business image is only worth 10 minutes of work?

12-01-2014, 02:21 PM
You know I have already paid freelancer or design agency to do logo and template and it was expensive (because you pay their secretary, company car, sick leaving, office, meeting etc...) but not really good. Be cheap or correct doesn't mean be bad.

Some people on fiverr do that to have some money but not as a business. And if you are a very small business not necessary focus on internet as was my first business, you don't want to spend money for that. Another thing is hourly rate is different, yours is maybe $40/h when some people are at maybe 5 or 10/h due to difference of price in their own countries... globalization of our world (good or bad)

12-02-2014, 03:51 PM
When I ordering any creative work like design or logos then I just find a worker which allow at least 5 free revisions according to your feedback. This way you can be happy with completed work.

Marketplaces can be:
fiverr.com - US-based resource
seoclerks.com - Indian resource

And yes, you can get good logo for $10-$20

12-05-2014, 09:20 PM
Well I've seen some people design their own logos and think they look good... I've also seen other sites design absolutely gorgeous logos for next to nothing but they are more like works of art that should almost be framed somewhere. There is a lot of subconscious work going on here. If a client thinks a logo looks "really nice" or "cool" etc. that's actually NOT the main goal. Of course a client should be happy with the work presented to them, but also explained as to WHY the logo was designed in such a way. Logos that have a long lasting impression, image or feel etc. are the best ones. It's a subjective process but should not always be... There is branding involved here, but when you think of Nike, Audi, or Apple etc. certain images come to mind? Those are logos. Designing a simple effective logo is actually quite hard!

12-05-2014, 10:26 PM
This is a touchy topic. I realized it when I wrote an article that got published on Manta.com and people posted some heated comments on the topic of logo design.

I think it's subjective. It is art after all. I think most small businesses would be just fine spending a couple hundred dollars on a logo. I get logos done for $99 for my clients but they are usually just looking for something to put on business cards and their website. They are affordable, but they may be better than some logos that cost $1,000+. Spending more money doesn't always equal higher quality.

I agree that the budget should be higher if you're looking to create branding across many different platforms, but many small businesses just need a logo for a business card that doesn't look like Microsoft Word Art and presents a professional image.

Here's the article from Manta if you wanna read the comments. It's a similar discussion to this discussion:
Give Your Logo a Lift (http://www.manta.com/small-business-tips/give-your-logo-a-lift/)

12-05-2014, 10:40 PM

Some examples of crazy prices for logo for 2 official french agencies

300 000 euro for the BPIfrance and 2 millions for ANPE

Honestly the BPI logo, for $5 you have on fiverr.... maybe 10 to think about the i reversed.

ok for ANPE logo who is more complex but 2 millions....

And lot of examples like this.

12-06-2014, 12:08 AM

Some examples of crazy prices for logo for 2 official french agencies

300 000 euro for the BPIfrance and 2 millions for ANPE

Honestly the BPI logo, for $5 you have on fiverr.... maybe 10 to think about the i reversed.

ok for ANPE logo who is more complex but 2 millions....

And lot of examples like this.

It's not about what a logo cost.. if you're going to hire someone for a logo for 300 000 euros, you should do a better job hiring someone who knows what they're doing. The ones you showed are very mediocre... price + quality designer = successful logos. Remember, it's a service and not a product so they all differ. It's up to you to do the research.

12-06-2014, 07:16 PM
I agree.

Just for info : Logos were made by a big marketing agency EURO CSG stuff (don t remember exactly the name sorry)

12-16-2014, 12:05 PM
Point taken, Ludovic. You reinforced what I said - spending more money doesn't always equal quality.

I'm guessing these companies offered more than just logo design and put more thought into the design. If you look at this article on the Paypal logo redesign, you can see the time and money that goes into a logo that ends up looking like it could have been made by an amateur.

Brand New: New Logo and Identity for PayPal by fuseproject (http://www.underconsideration.com/brandnew/archives/new_logo_and_identity_for_paypal_by_fuseproject.ph p#.VJBlSCvF85A)

Small things about these logos can have huge implications for different facets of marketing and logo usage down the road. But is it worth the money? Probably for a multi-million dollar corporation. For small to medium sized businesses? probably not.

For me it's a question of how many people see the logo. Millions of people see the Paypal logo daily and they probably spent millions on it. Hundreds of people see my logo daily and I spent hundreds on it.

01-11-2015, 08:07 PM
99designs.com is the best service i have ever used for logo design. For a couple hundred bucks you will get design options from dozens of designers. Once you choose your favorites they will work with you on revisions unil you get what you want. The designers compete against each other and only the winner gets paid so they have incenive to listen to your wants and do a great job for you.

01-11-2015, 11:01 PM
Can anyone suggest a logo designer for me to look into? I'd like a new logo for my site and just need a logo that's simple and unique. I've searched around and most websites charge anywhere from $200 and up. Wondering if anyone here knows a site I can check out for a better deal?


Fiverr . com is right up your street, go check it out and thank me later. i like chocolates

01-12-2015, 08:34 PM
As opposed to fiverr, I might also try 99designs. There you could start a contest and have artists bid. In the end, you can select the winner from those who submitted.

All the best!

01-15-2015, 11:44 AM
Don't skimp on logo & branding. Steer clear of the cheap cookie cutter logo services. Hire a professional designer who has an existing portfolio of unique, non-template based logos "that are presently being used on and off the web." Regardless of the misconceptions about this always being expensive it's not if you find the right designer, freelancer, or agency to do it.

Just my two cents but if a reasonable fee for a great, unique, custom logo that "fits" is out of your budget you may want to rethink your business model. The truth is that if you want your business to be perceived as professional you can't afford not to have a great logo and high quality branding.

02-21-2015, 08:55 AM
I've had experience with 99designs and another couple of these type of sites, and can say they provide very good results mostly (with some touch-ups you can probably get a quality result). However, it's VERY important to create a good design brief so that the designers understand what you want from them, since there's less of a personal touch compared to hiring one designer to work with.

BTW, not all sites are above $200, there's also 48hourlogo which gets you less results, but you can find quality there, and definitely better than fiverr...
There's also this site which compares the top design sites, might be helpful - thecrowder.com

04-03-2015, 11:01 PM
You might give 99designs.com a try. I know a few people who've had some luck there and you get a few different options.

05-06-2015, 08:44 AM
Try fiverr.com .. you can get a simple logo for $5 .. I'm not in a position to vouch for quality though as I design my logos myself. There are plenty of online tools available which are free and pretty effecient.

Dan Furman
05-06-2015, 02:10 PM
I love these "race to the bottom" suggestions.

For people who use fivr or want freelancers to Thunderdome-it on 99 designs... I truly, truly hope you offer your OWN services that way.

05-06-2015, 10:04 PM
I would agree with the ones that suggested Fiverr if you are on a budget. At 5 bucks a logo you could get 40 different guys to design a logo for you (at 5 bucks each) and throw away the 39 you don't like and be at the $ 200.00 mark. Or of course get 10 different guys to do it, your cost 50 bucks and if you don't like those get another 10 guys to do one. Sooner or later someone will get something you love.

05-18-2015, 07:10 AM
Can I know your budget for this?

05-18-2015, 08:55 AM
Can I know your budget for this?

Nope. You need to give a quote either based on size or anticipated time. Asking that question is a snake oil salesman's method of getting the most out of you - regardless of what costs and actual market values are.

05-18-2015, 02:30 PM
I would agree with the ones that suggested Fiverr if you are on a budget. At 5 bucks a logo you could get 40 different guys to design a logo for you (at 5 bucks each) and throw away the 39 you don't like and be at the $ 200.00 mark. Or of course get 10 different guys to do it, your cost 50 bucks and if you don't like those get another 10 guys to do one. Sooner or later someone will get something you love.

I am with Turboguy, spend 50 bucks and get 10 ideas...

Where is it written that Fiverr doesn't have quality designers because it is 5 bucks? They do have quality designers. Why are so many looking at price as a determining factor to good design? Advice like you need to spend more than 200 bucks...money is not a good way to decide if the logo will be good or not...

Simple is usually the best logos. Look at: Amazon, GM, Ford, the list goes on and on. These designers that put an art Deco spin on the design that takes 2 weeks to interrupt and cost 10K are really not the way to go...

You need to learn from the experts like General Motors...RR

07-22-2015, 05:24 PM
The best way to go about getting a great logo is to hold a Logo Design Contest. There's thousands of these threads in forums online.
For instance go to a web design forum and post a thread for 72 hour Logo Design Contest $50. You will get hundreds of members/logo's to choose from. Whichever logo you decide to use that designer gets the $50.

This is helpful if you don't have an exact idea of what you want the logo to look like. I would never pay $200 or above for a logo.

09-02-2015, 03:27 PM
Try 99designs.com please.

03-09-2016, 05:27 AM
The price seems fine. But I would check out 99 design, just to get a few more ideas.

03-11-2016, 12:36 PM
As the above poster said Fiverr.com (https://www.fiverr.com/categories/graphics-design/creative-logo-design/#layout=auto&page=1) can be a great resource. There are a great many providers advertising there and they all provide samples of their work.

Riley Lueilwitz
05-23-2020, 10:14 AM
What's the niche of your business for which your are looking to create that logo? This information will help a lot for quick suggestion.