View Full Version : Starting a website

10-11-2014, 04:49 AM
So I have had this idea for a website for a while now but have not pursued this idea any fruther because I cannot do coding, I have tried learning myself but I simply dont have the patience for it. Anyhow do you belive that I should find myself bussiness partners that can make the website first or should I get the company running first by getting funds and buy servers?

I believe it is a good idea but since I dont have any experience in starting a business I dont really know where to begin.

10-11-2014, 06:23 PM
Same was with me. I learned something but then just used people to help me with that. Try eLance.com. You will find freelancers, or if you need cofounders then cofounderslab.com. There is no guarantee but who knows.

Harold Mansfield
10-11-2014, 06:29 PM
So I have had this idea for a website for a while now but have not pursued this idea any fruther because I cannot do coding, I have tried learning myself but I simply dont have the patience for it. Anyhow do you belive that I should find myself bussiness partners that can make the website first
Why would you need a partner just to have a website built? If the entire business is a website then why do they need you?
Why can't you just hire someone to build the website?

or should I get the company running first by getting funds and buy servers?
Why do you need servers? Get the business up, the site built, and get some business and traffic first before worrying about hosting it yourself. That is a huge undertaking if you don't have the expertise to manage it correctly and it's not necessary for most businesses. If the site ends up going gangbusters, then cross that bridge. Even still, managed Enterprise hosting may still be the better option.

I believe it is a good idea but since I dont have any experience in starting a business I dont really know where to begin.

Start with a business plan to determine how much it's going to cost you, then you'll at least have starting point.
I'd also double and triple check that your idea is actually original and isn't already being done by someone.
Just because you haven't heard of it, doesn't mean it's not out there.

That's not to say that you couldn't still do it, but the more you know the better your chances to avoid costly mistakes.

10-12-2014, 02:58 PM
Same was with me. I learned something but then just used people to help me with that. Try eLance.com. You will find freelancers, or if you need cofounders then cofounderslab.com. There is no guarantee but who knows.

Sounds like useful sites, thank you!

10-16-2014, 12:43 AM
Hi Stammis ...

My name is Kevin, and I've been involved with Internet marketing since 2008 and have come a long ways in building an online business. Starting a business is a wonderful thing to do, especially, when there is a sincere desire to change either a financial status or build towards a more comfortable lifestyle.

Keep in mind that anything of value sometimes require sacrifices on our part - meaning determined to succeed in the endeavor, maintaining a positive outlook, staying focused, finding time to work in the business, just a few things to consider. But most importantly, despite what may lie before you always follow your dream.

As far as a website is concerned, yes it's important to a business success to have some kind of online-marketing platform to show others either your authority in a particular market or industry, or what product/service you render to a specific market or industry. And learning code should be the last thing on your list of things to do.

There are thousands of website building packages made affordable as well as free packages. Again, coding like CSS, HTML, etc. should be the last thing to learn. Now, a lot of the website/blogging platforms has templates you can select - the one's best for your interest or business; then click, drag, and drop and you're done!

From experience ... I learned that having a plan of action [a business/marketing plan] is essential in starting any kind of business either online or offline. A business/marketing plan is the blueprint of the entire business operation, and there are certain components you will need to incorporating into your business plan. Google business/marketing plans to find the one best for you and your business endeavor.

Take care ... and Godspeed in your business endeavor!


10-17-2014, 03:17 PM
I think you probably could check out GoDaddy.com. They have web space you can buy and website builders. Good luck.

10-17-2014, 06:39 PM
If your website is really custom, you might think about looking for a partner but you might be able to find a good overseas freelancer at places like oDesk who can do it for cheap and you don't have to give away equity.