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View Full Version : Looking for beta testers for a new social media lead generating tool...

03-03-2014, 01:17 PM
Right then, I am looking for beta testers for *removed*, which is a tool for generating relationship based sales leads from social networks like Facebook. You tell *removed* to look for keywords in your social media feeds and it finds them for you. The pitch is "We find the *removed* in your social media haystack." Basically it finds stuff you would never know about otherwise. Say you're a web designer. You have a friend who wants a really spiffy blog and website set up and is willing to pay and has said as much on Facebook. You've told *removed* to look for posts which have the word "website" in, and it finds the relevant post. You go talk to your pal, say "You want a website! I make them! Let's talk!" and everyone lives happily ever after once the check clears. If you want to be a beta tester and try a new way of generating leads go to *removed* - Coming Soon and click on the button that says "become a beta tester" and a beta tester you shall be. Sorry to make this my first post, but we all must start somewhere.

Harold Mansfield
03-03-2014, 02:12 PM
Yes, it is unfortunate that your first post shows no interest in being a part of or participating in this community, but as a means to promote your new product.

But nonetheless, I don't understand how my friend doesn't know what I do for a living and to contact me for those services.
Also, much like this community, social media conversions generally come from interacting with people, not merely cold calling them based on something they posted.
3rd, why isn't soliciting personal profiles considered spam? I know when someone I don't know solicits me, I get really irritated.

And lastly, also like this community, what you seem to be proposing is much like what some people have tried to do around here when they see parts of a thread in the search results, "Hey, I see you're looking for hosting services. I can help you with that. Give me a call.". It doesn't go over that well.

03-03-2014, 03:06 PM
I'll echo everything Harold said. In fact, my first inclination was to delete this thread, but after seeing Harold's post I think it now has some value for others.

I'll add why would we want to help you. We don't know you. You didn't even bother to say hello or give the community here any consideration. But I guess we're supposed to drop what we're doing and help your business, because…

You see, I just can't figure out what the because part is.

I don't want to imply you arrived just to spam the place. I don't know you at all and from reading your post you seem like an honest person seeking help. There are better ways to get that help though than to ask a bunch of strangers to give their time to help you. You could have asked us some general questions about how to promote your business or features we might find useful. You could have simply shared what you're developing the tool to do more specifically and ask what we think.

As the thread grew you could bring up you want to beta test your software and see if anyone wanted to help. However, by that point we'd know each other a little and you would have made a connection with some people here. If you wan to know where to start, that's where. Make real connections with real people.

Harold Mansfield
03-03-2014, 03:08 PM
I'll echo everything Harold said. In fact, my first inclination was to delete this thread, but after seeing Harold's post I think it now has some value for others.

I'll add why would we want to help you. We don't know you. You didn't even bother to say hello or give the community here any consideration. But I guess we're supposed to drop what we're doing and help your business, because…

You see, I just can't figure out what the because part is.

I don't want to imply you arrived just to spam the place. I don't know you at all and from reading your post you seem like an honest person seeking help. There are betters to get that help though than to ask a bunch of strangers to give their time to help you. You could have asked us some general questions about how to promote your business or features we might find useful. You could have simply shared what you're developing the tool to do more specifically and ask what we think.

As the thread grew you could bring up you want to beta test your software and see if anyone wanted to help. However, by that point we'd know each other a little and you would have made a connection with some people here. If you wan to know where to start, that's where. Make real connections with real people.

^^Marketing 101^^

03-03-2014, 03:08 PM
Then again, I see you posted the same thing word for word on other forums, so perhaps you are just a common spammer. Guess we'll find out if and when you come back and reply to this thread.

03-03-2014, 04:45 PM
I sort of liked the edited version of the message. However Vangogh I think you missed a marketing opportunity. Instead of "*removed*", you should have used "*Place URL here*". Then you could have sold this as a template.

03-13-2014, 02:22 PM
Oh man, I blew it. I could be rolling in the dough now, but instead I have to look back up and think about my lost…I mean…removed opportunity.