View Full Version : Developing an Angle for a Brokerage Firm

02-28-2014, 01:35 AM
I'm looking for a way to create an angle that says "This is why it's better to hire my company (or any brokerage for that matter), instead of hiring individuals." --to boost my reputation and gain attention, respect, and interest in doing business with me.

Business is being handed left, right, and centre to both brokerages and individuals. But I need to write up a little summary on what my company does as reading this bio is a fundamental step in the hiring decision process after contacting a prospect. It should be short as possible and stand out from the competition in a mixed catalog of say 50 other candidates showing up in their email, made up of mostly individuals but also brokerages.
So what I'm looking for by posting this is to brainstorm some various benefits of going through a brokerage. This may be child's play to some of you, but to people new to starting a brokerage or learning how, I think this can help others as well.

All I have so far is this:
-Minimizing the hiring-risk: outsourcing to people we already know can deliver, thus reducing the risk of hiring someone that doesn't deliver, potentially saving you money.

How would you angle yourself when the bottom line is essentially: We take your project and outsource it? If this is a sales question, I apologize for placing it in the wrong section.

Thanks in advance for contributing your ideas.

02-28-2014, 03:24 AM
Welcome to the forum invigorated-i.

My first thought is not to mention the word outsourcing. I think it has a negative connotation for many people. Do you even have to tell people you're outsourcing the work? If they hire you and you deliver them the finished project, is there any reason they need to know who actually does the work? I ask because if you don't need to say that it opens up other possibilities for why someone should choose you.

Assuming you do have to let people know how about.

We hire people who deliver so you don't have to.
We work with people who deliver so your project gets done right.
Why take a chance hiring the wrong person. We'll get it right for you.

That's all I have at the moment, but hopefully it helps get the brainstorming started.

02-28-2014, 01:40 PM
I think he means that the brokerage is going to outsource to the op, not that the op was going to outsource the work.

I think the op needs to answer the questions: what do his best potential clients really need, what do they want, and what are they afraid of? If you can do that, you can design an effective set of marketing messages around those three answers.

03-06-2014, 03:05 AM
If you are trying to differentiate yourself from your competition, I think an alternative could be to try an market yourself and your team as well as the firm. Since you and your competition perform pretty much the same tasks, it can be difficult to think of something that makes your company unique if all you focus on is the business you perform. What differentiates you from your competition is YOU! Let potential clients know that the individuals that they will be working with are some of the most caring and thoughtful individuals that are currently in the brokerage "game".