View Full Version : Ryan from Florida

02-12-2014, 02:30 PM
Hello All,

I'm Ryan and I own Appointment Aid (https://www.appointmentaid.com). It's an Appointment Reminder service for small businesses that allows them to easily send out Phone call, Text message, and Email appointment reminders. Their clients can confirm or cancel their appointment during the automated reminder. It's an online service so there is no setup required on our customer's end unless they want to customize the reminder messages (which can be done within their members panel online). The service is relatively new but I have been in the online space for some time now.

I'm 24 years old and from Florida but I've been working online for well over 5 years now. Before Appointment Aid I did affiliate marketing for dating companies, diet supplement companies, fitness equipment companies and more. I have experience with SEO, Adwords, Facebook Ads, various self-serve ad platforms, and more. Last year I decided I was tired of being an affiliate for other people's products and wanted to own my own product that I felt really helped others, and thats how I ended up making Appointment Aid.

In my non-business time I like playing Madden 25 (Xbox 360 now, future PS4 owner when next year's madden comes out), all things technology, watching good movies, and watching/listening to motivational speakers like Gary Vaynerchuk, Zig Ziglar (RIP), and others.

I joined here to network with other small business owners. I look forward to joining in on some threads and helping out where I can.

- Ryan

David Hunter
02-12-2014, 06:07 PM
Welcome, Ryan!

I love the idea of Appointment Aid! What kind of feedback are you getting from your clients??

02-13-2014, 10:59 AM

right now it's freshly launched. I have one local business testing it to make sure it all works fine. So far so good. The business already had a reminder system that did SMS messages only. I matched the price they were paying so they're pretty happy to be able to do multiple forms of contact at the same price point. Next step is to get more customers, and then once I'm confident there's no major bugs I'll be starting an affiliate program with recurring commission for the software. I think a lot of web designers / SEO guys could easily sell it to their existing clients with appointment based businesses.

02-13-2014, 06:44 PM
Welcome! Really interesting business you have. Hope these forums are helpful for you!

David Hunter
02-13-2014, 10:58 PM
Best of luck, Ryan!

I'm sure it would be a great upsell for designers, marketers, business coaches, etc.

02-14-2014, 03:06 AM
Hey Ryan, welcome to the forum. Cool idea, it's a needed service. A friend of mine does a similar service called Appointment Reminder. You have a large market, best of luck.

02-15-2014, 01:04 PM
Hello Ryan,

Very interesting idea and a good one. I will be checking it out for sure. Thanks!