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View Full Version : Facebook's under utilized resources for Businesses

Harold Mansfield
02-04-2014, 10:52 AM
Everyone always asks about marketing on social media. But did you know that Facebook offers case studies and tools for business owners to learn from?

Facebook for business gives you tips on creating your page, targeting, best practices, and using Facebook to build awareness and drive sales:

Also, on the Facebook+Commerce and Facebook Marketing pages there are case studies almost everyday of how brands are leveraging Facebook and Social Media for success:

There used to be full online courses created by Facebook with certifications, but I can't seem to find them anymore. Looks like they were rolled into the new format.

These are good resources if you're still kind of new to it.

02-05-2014, 01:03 AM
I can honestly say I did not know about these. Thanks for the links. I've not done much with Facebook. For some reason I've never been able to get into the site in general and so don't put as much into it as I probably should for business. It's something I wanted to do more this year though. I downloaded their new iOS app Paper earlier and it looks pretty nice. Thought I'd give it a chance to interest me more in using Facebook, which would make me want to use it more for business.

Harold Mansfield
02-05-2014, 12:36 PM
Hootsuite also offers online classes and certification:
HootSuite University, Social Media Certification (http://learn.hootsuite.com/)

As well as free webinars:
Webinars - HootSuite Media - HootSuite Media (http://media.hootsuite.com/webinars/)

There is a lot of information and training out there now. Some companies I deem a little more credible than others, but it's out there.

Hootsuite has really come a long way in this area. I've found even the free stuff that they put out very helpful.

02-05-2014, 01:32 PM
Facebook actually has a pretty good set of resources for businesses that use their site. I've read a few of the things they offer and it's solid advice. Of course they push promoted posts and that sort of thing, but they would do that, it's how they make money.

As for third part sites, Constant Contact does some seminars and things in this area too. I've not ever participated in anything they've offered, but it is another potential resource.

David Hunter
02-05-2014, 09:14 PM
My dad sells Harleys and at the dealership they always post a picture on Facebook of the newest client on his/her Harley. They also post events, deals, etc. They have been doing pretty well getting business from Facebook.

02-07-2014, 03:31 PM
I went through Hootsuite University's free trial and it expanded my understanding of Hootsuite's features. I originally viewed it as a pre-planning content system but it is actually a big Twitter management system for keeping up with hashtags, communicating with Twitters users, etc. Very interesting. They also threw in a bunch of content about each social media platform and its use.

Harold Mansfield
02-07-2014, 04:13 PM
I went through Hootsuite University's free trial and it expanded my understanding of Hootsuite's features. I originally viewed it as a pre-planning content system but it is actually a big Twitter management system for keeping up with hashtags, communicating with Twitters users, etc. Very interesting..

You can actually manage all of your major accounts now. Twitter, Facebook, G+, Linked In, and a few others. Both personal and business pages on each platform.

02-14-2014, 03:05 PM
Right, it does connect with a myriad of accounts but it is especially geared towards Twitter since many companies are now pushing Twitter communication more so than traditional options. Many major companies have multiple Twitter accounts just to focus on niche customer interests and support demand so Hootsuite has been building a platform for this.