View Full Version : Business Opportunity For Pizza Restaurateur

01-31-2014, 05:48 PM
Greetings everyone. Hope everyone's day is going well and has been a good week to you. I would like to present a business idea to SBF and see if I can get a little help getting some feedback. I have started a little webpage on GoFundMe.org and you can see this start of this project in my signature as well. I have been in the restaurant industry for almost 20 + years and just can't find it in me to work for another restaurant again due to what I know and the behind the scenes stuff that we all know does happen.

Of course this is just the overview and the starting point but I have specialized in Italian/Pizza mainly during this journey. Pizza mainly being because it is so easy to make and plus it is an art. Now I know details are not posted or anything like that because I am in the process of moving and I'm also processing the start-up costs cuts now to find the actual cost of what the project will take to get off the ground.

I just wanted to post this post to see what all kind of discrepancies, comments or concerns that will better help me get off the ground. Partners? Investors? I'm the labor and the idea because I have stretched the idea a bit further and could afford to use some help constructing the final business plan.

02-02-2014, 07:18 PM
The project presented here is a continuance of the idea that I have started to implement into a well profitable business without hardly any overhead which is a key component that will do the work itself as long as the business project succeeds which I haven't a doubt in my mind that it will.

For The Consumer
For the Consumer, they will know everything inside and outside of this business. Why, because a great amount of consumers like to know what they are receiving in a product(ingredients) that are created from scratch, but also provides them with the good healthy and nutritious products that we all so deserve. This way we will give small families, independent entrepreneurs as well as small businesses that will and need to strive to create a public appearance with a great name.

What does this business eliminate and what are the benefits??
~ Our goal here is to eliminate rental or leasing of a business property however renting a kitchen with the machinery may be needed to complete the tasks.
~ Maintenance to the leased or rented property or building saving cost.
~ Being able to perform the mechanical duties that are needed to obtain productive times during business or non-business tenures.
~ Sales are recorded digitally on a system similar to a POS System (Point Of Sale) that are not only globally but remotely as well.
~ This business will create jobs and not only claim an unlimited amount of jobs, but this can also become a relief organization for those that are going through hard times like those involved in mother natures mishaps.
~ Builds a small business that can be scaled into a larger size business if a merchant desires to.
~ The ventures where you can setup shop is unlimited as long as you have the proper documentation from Federal, State and Local authorities that will allow this project to be able to serve food anywhere. So this makes the ventures a lot easier to manage and market as well.
~ One big default about this kind of business, is you can become a relief Organization that can provide assistance to those that have experienced hurricanes, tornadoes and everything mother nature offers us in our everyday lies.

Now I bet your wondering how are we going to cook items that will be readable substances on a directory of items that are being offered?

~ The oven which I know how to construct(yes I know how to build a lightweight and/or a heavy oven) onto a utility trailer for easy maintenance as well. This will be constructed on a utility trailer by either a weight differential type oven to something that is quite simple as mentioned above.
~ At this point in the project we will use the simple way to get things off the ground. This will be treated with a heat resistant material information(which has been obtained already from the Health Department here in Florida) that will be legal so the inspection process by a Federal Health Agency should give us the go the ok ahead with operations.
~Once we get our Health Inspections Certificate to be able to handle food and make the correct documentations of the material we are using, this will enable us to be able to continue to get a Vendor's license depending on the state or states that we are planning to get operations moving in a forward direction.
~Once we get ahead to this point in the operations, we can negotiate on how to get food prep accomplished and stored for future usage. This can easily be done in any modern day kitchen as well as making dough however you must make sure that this is approved by a Federal, Sate or Local Authority. This will eliminate the having to shop around for a incorporated kitchen that is already designed for what this project needs to make things manageable.

What kind of Ventures can this concept be used at?
~Farmers Markets, Charity Events, Private Parties, Sporting Events and many more.

Safety First When Talking Sanitation
~ When we thinking about how we were going to clean these miscellaneous items that we are planning on using. We were thinking portable and that again came up with the Do It Yourself in mind by making a portable sink that can be moved quite easily. The best thing about it, cheap to make. (picture available click on signature link)

Question: How are we going to keep food cold and fresh?
Answer: Portable Freezers that can run from the back of a truck or small vehicle. Why? They are simply cheap. (picture available click on signature link)

If you would like to see some pictures that I have been accumulating about this project, be sure and click on the link in my signature and you will get a very basic understanding on how this will be coordinated. I have tweaked this out as much as I can but I just keep adding new and important things that the consumer will know when this project is fully up and running.

To be continued...