View Full Version : landing page critique please

01-28-2014, 06:08 PM
Here is a landing page i am working on, it is a template. It will be the same for each niche but with relative keywords and image.

Is it too busy? Too simple? What about the form? Initially i wanted a css fixed form, but the fields look kinda 3d dragging attention.

What about the colors? I am trying use "sense of urgency" and also "trust" colors.

Would an address improve conversion?

Also i am working on the logo and tagline, it is way to long.

-My main goal is get you to give me info for a follow up call
-Only google ppc to this link

opinions and thoughts on everything, color, seo, copy, format, layout etc... Thanks.

Business Insurance Quote | Liam Dai (http://www.liamdai.com/business-insurance-quote/)

Dan Furman
01-28-2014, 10:06 PM
Here is a landing page i am working on, it is a template. It will be the same for each niche but with relative keywords and image.

Is it too busy? Too simple? What about the form? Initially i wanted a css fixed form, but the fields look kinda 3d dragging attention.

What about the colors? I am trying use "sense of urgency" and also "trust" colors.

Would an address improve conversion?

Also i am working on the logo and tagline, it is way to long.

-My main goal is get you to give me info for a follow up call
-Only google ppc to this link

opinions and thoughts on everything, color, seo, copy, format, layout etc... Thanks.

Business Insurance Quote | Liam Dai (http://www.liamdai.com/business-insurance-quote/)

Not a bad looking page, but your headline is really clunky.

"Custom business insurance tailored to your budget" is much, much better.

01-29-2014, 08:33 AM
Here is a landing page i am working on, it is a template. It will be the same for each niche but with relative keywords and image.

Is it too busy? Too simple? What about the form? Initially i wanted a css fixed form, but the fields look kinda 3d dragging attention.

What about the colors? I am trying use "sense of urgency" and also "trust" colors.

Would an address improve conversion?

Also i am working on the logo and tagline, it is way to long.

-My main goal is get you to give me info for a follow up call
-Only google ppc to this link

opinions and thoughts on everything, color, seo, copy, format, layout etc... Thanks.

Business Insurance Quote | Liam Dai (http://www.liamdai.com/business-insurance-quote/)

Page looks good. You may want to fix a small typo issue at the bottom of your signup form where it says "*we value your privacy, we will do not sell or give your information to a third party."

Harold Mansfield
01-29-2014, 10:35 AM
It has all of the elements that you need. Style wise, I'd make the headline a little bigger, a little bolder and probably the copy font as well. Maybe even use some color.
I'd definitely make "Save time and frustration and request a quote today!" stand out more.

And something a little nitpicky, I'd probably make the bullets check marks instead of arrows.

Lenin Govea
01-30-2014, 07:56 PM
Yeah, it seems like you're focusing too much on the features and not on the benefits your prospective customers will get from giving you their information, you know?

At the bottom of the page, there's a testimonial… This one:
“He improved our policy coverage and came up with a package that afforded us a massive saving yet covered us fully for all our needs.” – Tommy La CEO, Tommy La Designs

I'd use parts of that testimonial on your headline

I'd use a more powerful call to action too, so you get more opt-ins

Remove the stock photo… it kills the whole professionalism of your lander.

The best of luck

01-31-2014, 06:21 PM
Not to bad at all. Are you using css to position everything?

02-03-2014, 01:25 PM
I am using wordpress to set up the landing pages.

yes, the stock photo will be replaced with whatever niche the landing page will be.

I will re do the bullet points to benefits instead of features.
