View Full Version : Finding your niche!

11-18-2013, 12:32 AM
I hear people say all time to find your niche and blog about that. Well I don't just want to be stuck on one thing. I want to be able to provide readers with a variety of things from love and relationships to something weird that happened and was in the news. Is it wrong to be all over place? I just feel that when people search Google for something I want to be on every result as oppose to one topic only.


Blogging/Online Marketing

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11-18-2013, 01:03 PM
I don't think there's anything wrong with wanting to touch on multiple topics. There are bloggers who do that, but their writing is so compelling, or their life story is so unique and interesting that it keeps people coming back. So, that might be what you have to ask yourself. What would you bring to the table that would keep people reading your blog, even if you covered multiple subjects?

11-18-2013, 11:47 PM
Thank you!

11-19-2013, 03:42 PM
No one can be known for "everything", so you get known for "something". That "something" is your niche. Don't be afraid of it... it's another way to build your brand so that people remember you for "something", which is easier than remembering you for nothing in particular.

But your writing could also be compelling enough that you can stretch that "something" wider than someone who is not compelling.

11-20-2013, 11:04 AM
I feel that the best blogs are one that are true to the writer and if you are "all over the place" its ok as long as its you and the reader benefits.
A rule of thumb and on a personal level what makes me drawn to good blogs is - "am i as a reader benefiting from this"

Best of Luck

Harold Mansfield
11-20-2013, 01:32 PM
I hear people say all time to find your niche and blog about that. Well I don't just want to be stuck on one thing. I want to be able to provide readers with a variety of things from love and relationships to something weird that happened and was in the news. Is it wrong to be all over place? I just feel that when people search Google for something I want to be on every result as oppose to one topic only.

So you want to be the Huffington Post of blogging? Sure, you could do that. But look how many people and how large an organization it takes to run Huffington Post.
You don't need to be everything to everybody to be successful. It's also counter productive to be jack of all trades and master of none.

It may be helpful to identify your target market. If you don't know who you are writing for, then you'll never attract them.
Know your market and you'll be able to write for them across a wide range of subjects that they may be interested in.

12-09-2013, 01:37 AM
A good question to ask is what are you looking to get out of your blog? Are you looking to make money, build a brand, get speaking gigs,etc? What will be the purpose of the blog? If you can define what your blog will be about and who it will attract then it should be easy to write about topics that interest you and your audience.

For example, I have a blog that talks about weight and strength training for skinny guys. Even though this is a niche topic I can still talk about things like nutrition, equipment, dating, personal development, success stories, etc. These are broad topics that I can still share with my audience because I will make sure to find a connection that they can relate to at the same time providing value to them.

So even if you find a niche audience you can still discuss broad topics as long as you are able to connect the dots in your writing so they can see how the topic applies to them.

I hope this helps give you some clarity.

12-10-2013, 10:09 AM
All the above answers are great. I'd like to add this rule of thumb - the more widespread or general your topics, the more you'll be competing with others. Usually it's best to choose a tight niche as they're easy to win. There are always exceptions to everything, but whichever direction you go in - be prepared to put in the hard work.

Good luck!

12-18-2013, 04:39 AM
You can cover almost anything you want to your blog. You just have to divide your site into categories to avoid confusion for the user part. I've seen a lot of blogs that discuss almost anything from cooking, show business, and business. The thing that you need to watch is the quality of the things that you will discuss. And make some tests on how you can give your visitors a smooth search within your blog.

12-27-2013, 05:47 PM
A good question to ask is what are you looking to get out of your blog? Are you looking to make money, build a brand, get speaking gigs,etc? What will be the purpose of the blog? If you can define what your blog will be about and who it will attract then it should be easy to write about topics that interest you and your audience.

This is very true. If you have a specific motive for your blog and know the interests of your readers then it is easier to decide which news/personal stories/etc. you should blog about. The broader your blog subject is the broader your blog posts will be. The thing is you will be attracting readers with specific interests and if you don't cater to their interests then you have a chance of losing them.

01-05-2014, 10:26 AM
Being all over the place is 100% fine if it's what you want to do.

But, if you want to get a large traffic base....be prepared for one of the following:

1. To spend a lot of money

2. To wait a couple of years

3. To update your site like a mad man

It's much easier to build sustainable traffic if you have a niche.
And it doesn't have to be something SPECIFIC...it CAN be broad.

Best of luck to you!

01-05-2014, 07:13 PM
Don't shy away from finding your niche. Let me pass on some advise from Forbes.com:
Listen to your heart. Get out of your comfort zone. Avoid analysis paralysis. Somehow the biggest risk is not to risk at all. Don't wait for the perfect time. Face your fears. Live in the present. Take the leap.

07-05-2014, 10:44 AM
write what you know from experience. otherwise you will run out of material in a week and it will become a chore.