View Full Version : When you see this name, what comes to mind?

11-02-2013, 08:47 AM

Below are Possible business names what comes to mind in point form? I am having some issues deciding on names, but i just want to feel out what others feel about these names. What sort of things or items do the names represent?

Thank you so much

Aeolian Kinetics
Terminal Dynamics

And if you could maybe rate your favorite one.

I will post what later what the company is suppose to represent.

Thanks for the advanced feedback.

11-02-2013, 12:09 PM
Welcome to the forum lorant. The words are all leading me to think about energy and water. Some lead to energy, some to water and some to both. A few don't really fit either, but it's still the overall impression I get from all the words. It's hard to pick a favorite name without knowing more about the business and also seeing how these words would combine into a name or have other words added to them.

Hope that helps.

Harold Mansfield
11-02-2013, 12:45 PM
Hydro-Dynamic -
Eolian - Nothing
Chinook - Helicopter
Typhoon - Deadly Storm
Boost - Stealing, Laundry additive, Mobile Phone company
Catapult - Pumpkin Chunkin
Oxygen - A Nightclub in Vegas
Pursuit - Police Chases
Stealth - Bomber
Storm - Weather
Launch -
Delta - Airlines, Water Faucets
Aeolian Kinetics - Nothing
Terminal Dynamics - Nothing
Winatic - Nothing
Synergy - 80's MLM scheme.

I have no favorite because they mean nothing just sitting there in a list. Favorite for what purpose?

11-02-2013, 02:01 PM
Hi all, thank you Vangogh and others for the input. The company is about kiteboarding, I would like to start a company and I cant seem to find the right name. I am aiming for quality products, which are dependable, and reliable. Kiteboarding is about water, harnessing the energy of wind and plaining/surfing the waves or flat water.

I can list of 300 names already but cant decide.

Would someone be able to help me as I dont have $80000 to spend on a good company name.

I would like it to have 2 syllables at the most, representing the wind and the water. One company is called Liquid Force, but too long, one company is called Slingshot, perfect, one is called North, one is called Naish,ok, Ocean rodeo, too long. Ozone perfect but taken.

I was thinking oxygen but boring.

I dont know anymore.

If someone could help please do.

If you know someone who does this for a living at joining words let me know.

Thank you all

Harold Mansfield
11-02-2013, 03:04 PM
You're going about it backwards. Most importantly is what is available to be registered as a URL. You can WANT till the cows come home, but if you can't register and trademark it it's all a wasted exercise.

When I'm naming something, I do it right in the Go Daddy domain search with the Thesaurus open. It can take days or even weeks before I come up with a good name.
With my new project, it took me a month before I found the right name that was available, brandable, easy to remember, and free to trademark.

Also, you don't need to spend $8k for a domain. I'd be willing to bet you could find a nice 2 word combination that fits your company for under $500.

Starting a company is a lot of work. Don't let the name cripple you from doing anything else. It's not the name that will make it successful, but you do want a decent one.
You may find the more work you do to get started...business plan, marketing, mission statements and bouncing other ideas around..that the name will come to you.

Harold Mansfield
11-02-2013, 03:06 PM
Also, whatever you do...DON'T post names that you are considering publicly, if you haven't registered them.

11-04-2013, 10:08 AM
What should I be doing first? I just got a quote from a company wanting over $14000 for company name. I dont have $140000 to spend on a name. Thats just crazy. Who can do if for $500? How would I be able to ask anyone for advice if i dont post the names? I am really stuck and I believe I need help.

Thank you

11-04-2013, 10:36 AM
Just come up with a name that does not exist, you don't need to use one that already exists. That is why you are paying so high.

Harold Mansfield
11-04-2013, 11:30 AM
What should I be doing first? I just got a quote from a company wanting over $14000 for company name. I dont have $140000 to spend on a name. Thats just crazy. Who can do if for $500? How would I be able to ask anyone for advice if i dont post the names? I am really stuck and I believe I need help.

Thank you
Why are you paying someone to do something as simple as naming your company?

11-04-2013, 02:02 PM
You should not pay anything for a name. The value if anything is not worth it.
That being said I did some search and the one i do like Hydro Winatic is available.

11-05-2013, 04:13 AM
The thing is i believe im clever and smart but deep down one name might suit me and my friends around but it would not be liked my the general public.

This is why i need help. I was laughing when they quoted 14000 for a freaking name, thanks but no thanks.

What is best? One word like "Nike"?

What i see here with Nike, is if someone tells you you would not know what its selling.

Someone mentioned Aeolian but it dosent mean anything to you reading this but if you search it means things shaped by the wind.

So it it any better than Cyclone? or any of the other ones?

Thank you

11-05-2013, 10:09 AM
I wish I could be more help, but I feel like without knowing more about your business, your branding etc. it's so hard to tell. I like hydro-dynamics if I had to choose.

Harold Mansfield
11-05-2013, 10:33 AM
The thing is i believe im clever and smart but deep down one name might suit me and my friends around but it would not be liked my the general public.

This is why i need help. I was laughing when they quoted 14000 for a freaking name, thanks but no thanks.

What is best? One word like "Nike"?

What i see here with Nike, is if someone tells you you would not know what its selling.

Someone mentioned Aeolian but it dosent mean anything to you reading this but if you search it means things shaped by the wind.

So it it any better than Cyclone? or any of the other ones?

Thank you

It's an important decision, but in a way you are over thinking it.

The more obscure or "cool" the name, the more you'll have time and money you'll have to spend branding it. That's not always a bad thing if you have a plan to do so.

I also noticed none of the types of names include the keyword that the company is all about. If it's about "kite boarding" why are you intentionally leaving that word out of the company name?

Simpler is always better. If at all possible to have a name that immediately identifies to people what it's all about, that is preferable. Unless Like I said, you have a huge budget to brand it.

11-05-2013, 11:10 AM
Don't put to much emphasis on the name, your energy should be placed in a marketing campaign and product quality. With that being said, three things you must think about when creating a business name, 1) use search websites at the same time when coming up with a name to make sure it is not trademark and domain name is available. You do not want to do all that work coming up with a name and cannot even use it. 2) If you plan on opening some type of kite boarding retail business, where you are retailing different products. It will be a good idea to involve kite boarding in your name. But if you are providing your own kite boarding product, having it included in the name is not that important. 3) Also make your name be easy to remember and easy to pronounce.