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Thread: How we built an email list of 186,897 LOYAL subscribers

  1. #1

    Default How we built an email list of 186,897 LOYAL subscribers

    I help my Dad with the internet marketing for his web site
    and I thought it would be very beneficial for everyone here
    to see how easy it really is to build a HUGE email list.

    The biggest problem most people have when building a list
    is time. It doesn't happen overnight. My Dad's been building
    his list for about ten years now.

    But every one of his subscribers are loyal and anytime he
    sends an email out... it gets open and read (including the
    sales messages!)

    Here's the simple blueprint (there's really no secret here):
    1 - Create an awesome, gotta have it, really cool gift to give away.
    This needs to be a no-brainer for people to give away their
    email address.

    2 - Create a squeeze page where people can opt-in to get your gift

    3 - Start driving traffic to that squeeze page...I know, easier
    said than done. Check out my signature below, I have a cheat
    sheet detailing all the free ways we drive traffic to our page
    and I also give away my squeeze page that got a 58% opt-in rate

    4 - Use an autoresponder email-marketing service, we use Aweber,
    and create a series of auto-responder messages that provide
    valuable content to your subscriber. Sneak in a little sales message
    too... should only be a line or two.

    5 - Don't structure your email around what you're selling. It should
    always be about content or something your giving away. Trust me,
    the sales message will get read but you have to get them to open
    the email first. If they know all you send are sales pitches... they'll
    stop opening your emails.

    That's it! I told you there are no secrets. The key is sticking to it and
    not getting too anxious. Keep feeding them great content and they WILL
    buy from you eventually. We have people on our list that it took 1,500 days
    before they purchased from us. That's like five years! But we made the sale!

  2. #2
    Registered User
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    Apr 2011
    Los Angeles, California



    Thank you for the posting. You say it took five years to make a sale. Was the sale a large expense? What worries me is to invest hours and hours for a small sale, and well five years...


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