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Thread: united states dollars

  1. #1
    Registered Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2016

    Default united states dollars

    if someone who lives in south america buys an established online from someone in the united states assuming its a shoe store or some retailer, after getting paid in u.s. dollars will that payment arrive in u.s. dollars in south america or will it convert to the local currency???????????? rsvp. thank you.

  2. #2


    That would depend... If its a US retailer and they have a merchant account then they would have to specify in their account weather they wanted to receive the payment in USD or another currency. To the online purchases they would never know if the money was being exchanged to a different currency or not. If the merchants account is only setup to take USD then foreign purchases could have issues. Merchant account providers are very concerned with risk and setup their systems to avoid transactions with high risk of fraud.
    Now if its a paper transaction then it depend on the terms of the contract as to whose responsibility the foreign exchange translation falls to.
    Phillip Zagotti
    Partner - Zagotti & Burdette CPA, LLC

  3. #3


    We purchase our Euros through AMEX and they handle the transfer to our factory's bank in Germany.


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