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Thread: Name for an online store

  1. #11


    If its an online shop then you might want to base your decision off the domain availability. Get a notepad and jot down ideas. Use a thesaurus to get more ideas from your originals. Then play with word combos and check them on or whois to see if the domain is available. For every idea that is available you should save in a available list. Good luck!
    Specializing in Line Sheet Design & Catalog Design

  2. #12
    Registered Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2016


    Naming your business is a SERIOUS and should not be taken lightly.

    1. Become a verb. Of course the goal of every business is to have the company name become a verb. When we want to search the internet, we don't say “bing it” or “yahoo it” – we say “google it.”

    2. Start with the beginning of the alphabet. It is always good to have a name that starts with a letter closer to the start of the alphabet. In the days dominated by the Yellow Pages, companies would use names like AAA Plumbing to make sure they appeared at the beginning of the category. Today, with internet searches, the ability to appear at the top of a list is dependent on many factors and many companies no longer consider names that start with a letter closer to the start of the alphabet as important. However, rest assured that someday your business will be listed in a directory. For instance, you'll be in a directory when you have a booth at an expo. Having a business name that starts with a letter closer to the beginning of the alphabet will help you appear at the top of the list.

    3. Do not include a number in your name. The question in everyone's mind is whether the number is a numeral or if it's spelled out. Businesses with a number in their name, and subsequent URLs, all too often have to explain how their name is spelled when talking to new customers.

    4. Avoid foreign names with uncommon letter combinations in English-speaking countries. Zhuijang and Xiaomi may be common in China, but they are difficult for English-speaking people to spell much less pronounce.

    5. Choose a name that starts with a capital letter. A capital letter in the middle of a sentence alerts the reader to the proper name. Having a name that does not start with a capital letter leaves the reader confused. Sure companies like “intel” and “xerox” have been re-branded to use all lower case letters, but the rule for the rest of us is to use an initial capital like Google or Coke to make them standout in the middle of text.

    6. Consider a name with all caps such as IKEA or BEST BUY to make sure your name stands out even more in the body text of your message.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2016


    I was struggling with name too, thanks for this tool, much better to get nice and creative ideas, especially when you don't know where to start, any help it is huge!

  4. #14


    Hi Andrew! Coming up with a good name has everything to do with the attitude of the business. You're selling hair accessories but what kind? Are they hand-made, your own manufactured accessories or are they just wholesale to retail? When you say hair accessories is it just hair bows and clips or wigs and extensions? Do you want to use your name in the business/store name? What's your inspiration for wanting to sell hair accessories? These are just some of the things to consider when choosing a name. I've had so much fun coming up with the names of my businesses. I usually just grab a pen and paper and think about what I'm offering, why I want to go into this line of business and some of my favorite terms-then I just start writing. When I get one that makes me jump like "YES that's it!" I make sure it isn't taken already as far as the urls etc.

    Be inspired by the "why" in why you'd like to sell these products and then you'll come up with a name :-)~ Happy Business Name Hunting!
    -Monica Mize
    Your Personal Go-To Designer & Business Coach


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