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Thread: Need your valuable advice :)

  1. #1

    Default Need your valuable advice :)

    Hi, I'm Cosmin from Romania and plan on opening a business in Crete, Greece. I will be selling frozen bananas covered in chocolate, with the help of a custom made tricycle.
    The first year i will be mobile until i get to the stage of packaging and wholesale. The name of the company will be Mr.Banana, and i will sell for 2 Euro one product. The initial investment is around 15.000 E and the margin is OK in my opinion, i make each with 50 E cents. I have the proper connections, and up to date with all the health and state requirements. I chose Crete because i know the place well, I'm working there for 6 years, it's a sunny hot island, I speak around 5 foreign languages (a good help in dealing with possible clients from all over Europe), but still I have sweaty palms because it's the first time I start a business, even if I know i have the mindset of an entrepreneur. With 2 or 3 Tricycles I think the first summer should be profitable.
    Now what i need from you is input about the business, advices, opinions, whatever you can think of, even a devil's advocate.

    In exchange, for a person that can improve my plan, help me with insight, give me ideas, i offer in the summer 2015 a stay of 1 or 2 weeks in Crete at my place.

    P.S. : if my English hurts your eyes and your ears, I'm sorry

  2. #2
    Registered User
    David Hunter's Avatar

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    Cleveland, Ohio


    Frozen Bananas covered in chocolate?! Sign me up!!

    Crete is a sunny, hot island? I can't image you'd have any problems selling frozen chocolate covered bananas.

    It's like ice cream, who doesn't love ice cream???
    David Hunter | Duke of Marketing | Former Real Estate Agent

  3. #3
    Registered User
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    Gilbert, AZ, USA


    It sounds like you've done your homework and you've got a good plan. You mentioned that the cycles you're going to use are custom made? I think that's great; you want them to be as eye-catching as possible, and if they're both physically and visually distinctive that will help you a lot.

    Good luck!

  4. #4
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    Barcode Parade's Avatar

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    Do you have a marketing plan and budget?

    For this kinds of products it's preferable to give it a distinct image and personality. This is because you want to distinguish yourself from the average street vendor and project yourself as higher end. Your product needs a logo, a fixed color scheme, a personality.

    I'm also thinking that 2 euros is TOO CHEAP for what the product is regardless of how much it cost you. So cheap, in fact, that you might not only cutting short your profits, but also hurting the perceived value of the brand.
    We are what we do repeatedly.

  5. #5


    Play some light music with mabye a sign on your tricyle. because you dont have a specific location customers can go to you. You need to market heavily on your mobile deliever service. Mabye shouting, baloons? costumes? Get the concuers engaged


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